Describe the epidemiology.
Mean age
Carotid artery: 40–45 years [1]
Vertebral artery: 40 years [2]
Important causes of stroke in young patients
Occurrence: Dissection of the carotid artery occurs more frequently than dissection of the vertebral artery (∼ 4:1)
Describe the causes.
Frequently caused by penetrating or blunt trauma (e.g., high impact car accidents) but up to 40% of cases result from mild trauma (e.g., minor sports injuries) or other mechanical triggering events (e.g., coughing, sneezing, chiropractic maneuvers)
Spontaneous dissection
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and Marfan syndrome
Fibromuscular dysplasia
Cystic medial necrosis
Respiratory tract infection
Oral contraceptive use
Last changed2 years ago