Describe the initial evaluation.
Urinalysis with microscopy: nephritic sediment
Hematuria with RBC casts
Quantification of proteinuria: typically shows non-nephrotic range proteinuria
BMP may reveal:
↑ BUN, ↑ creatinine
Electrolyte abnormalities
CBC: may show normocytic, normochromic anemia
C3 complement, C4 complement levels: classically shows ↓ C3 complement with normal C4 complement
Describe the evidence of preceding GAS infection.
Antistreptococcal antibody titers
↑ ASO, ↑ anti-DNase B antibodies, ↑ antihyaluronidase antibodies
Isolation of group A beta-hemolytic streptococci
Pharyngitis: rapid strep test, throat culture
Skin lesions: wound cultures
PSGN typically occurs following a GAS infection rather than during an active infection. Obtain appropriate diagnostic studies to isolate group A beta-hemolytic streptococci only if active infection is suspected.
Describe renal ultrasound.
Indications: may be obtained during a diagnostic workup of hematuria
Findings: typically normal; may show nonspecific increased echogenicity of the renal cortex
Describe the renal biopsy.
Indications: (not routinely performed)
Signs of rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis
Atypical presentation
Supportive findings: proliferative glomerulopathy with immune complex deposits
Light microscopy: enlarged and hypercellular glomeruli
Immunofluorescent microscopy: granular deposits in the glomerular mesangium and capillaries
Consisting of IgG, IgM, C3 complement
Lumpy-bumpy appearance (also called a starry sky appearance)
Electron microscopy: immune complexes between the epithelial cell layer and the glomerular basement membrane (referred to as subepithelial humps)
Last changed2 years ago