Charles Perrow – Normal accidents
Main argument was that technology becomes so complex, that we can’t control it anymore and accidents become normal, e.g. Tschernobyl
Three main components of SCOT?
Interpretative flexibility: what does a technology actually mean to different social groups, e.g. the rise of the iphone (not the best telephone), but a minicomputer for the pocket
Relevant social groups: what groups do have which intentions and interests, e.g. at first women could not drive bikes because of their dresses, therefore they were disigned differently
Closure and stabilization: process of technology becoming more fixed and stable, e.g. different bikes for different intentions of usage, not causing any major problem for any relevant social group
What is the main argument of the article?
How different social groups, their intentions and interests form and shape technolgy
What is the relation between technology and society in the SCOT theory?
How do social factors shape the development and use of technology
Last changed2 years ago