What is the difference between single camera and multiple camera frames?
single camera:
use single camera to obtain multiple images from different view points
multiple camera frames:
multiple camera frames
multiple camera
in practice:
usually single camera multiple camera frames (one camera taking images from different locations)
What is the difference between projection and image plane?
Projection plane:
defined by camera center and 3D line
image plane:
plane where the 3D points are mapped to
How can we obtain a vector based on two ponits?
y = kx + b
-> ax +by +c = 0
(ab,c,) -> homogenous coordinates of 2D line
(1,2,3) equivalent to (2,4,6)
two points (x0,y0) , (x1,y1) determine 2D line
to solve -> choose arbitrary value of c
-> (a,b,c) directly obtainable by cross product between (x0,y0,1) and (x1,y1,1)
What is the problem of matching/tracking?
have a template image
problem: estimate the transformation W (warping) between the template T and a current image I
=> all (inlier) 2D-2D point correspondences should satsfy the same warp model
What is the “chicken-and-egg” problem of the warp estimation problem?
if we have the coordinates of the point correspondances
-> easy to calculate warp
if we have the warping parameters
-> easy to calculate the coordinates of the point correspondance
=> in practice we have none at first
=> usually first find point correspondances…
What types of solutoins to find correspondences exist?
direct methods
indirect methods
What is the overarching idea of indirect methods to find point correspondences? What are pros and cons?
detect and match features (point or lines)
can cpope with large frame-to-frame motions and strong illumination changes
slow due to costly feature extraction, matching and outlier removal (e.g. RANSAC)
What is the general pipeline of indirect methods?
detect and match features that are invariant to scale, rotation, view point changes (e.g. SIFT)
geometric verification (RANSAC)
refine estimation by minimizing sum of squared reprojeciton errors between the observed feature fi in the current image and teh warped correspondance feature W(xi,p) from the template
=> feature distance
What are pros and cons of direct methods?
all info in the image can be exploited (higher accuracy, higher robustness to motion blur and weak texture (i.e. weak gradients))
increasing the camera frame rate reduces computational cost per frame (no RANSAC needed)
very sensitive to initial value limited frame to frame motion
What is the general idea behind direct methods?
use brightness of every pixel in the image and compare it to the current image
-> find transformation parameters p that minimize the distance of brightness
What assumptions do we have in direct methods?
brigthness constancy
temporal consistancy
spatial coherence
What is the brightness constancy asusmption in direct methods?
indensity of pixels to track does not chnage much over consecutive frames
does not cope with strong illumination changes
What is the temporal consistancy assumption of direct methods?
small frame to frame motion (1-2 pixels)
does not cope with large frame to frame motion
however -> can be addresses using coarse to fine multi scale implementaitons (introduces later)
What is the spatial coherence asusmption in direct methods? What is required?
all pixels in the template (initial image) undego the same transformation (i.e. they roughly lie on the same 3D surface)
no errors in template image boundaries:
-> only object to track apperas in template image
-> else, foreground and background would move differently and thus not be transformed the same way…
no occlusion:
the entire template is visible in the input image (template: initial; input: where we want to find our template)
What is the KLT?
kanade-lucas-tmoasi tracker
-> tracker for small motion
What problems does KLT tackle?
how should we select features?
-> tomasi-kanade sub algorithm
method for choosing best feature (image patch) for tracking
=> find reliable pixels to track…
how sholud we track them from frame to frame?
lucas-kanade sub algorithm
method for aligning (tracking) an image patch
How would we approach tracking of a reference patch / template when we have only translation?
consider we have patch centered at (x,y) (template) and shifted patch (x+u,y+v) in input image; patch has size omeag
-> find motion vector (u,v) that minimizes sum of squared differences (SSD) w.r.t. intensity
!!based on intensity invariance assumption!!
Differentiate single univariate function, single multivariate function and multiple multivariate function
single univariate:
single multivariate:
f(x1, x2, …, xn)
multiple multivariate:
F(x1, x2, …, xn)
Provide the derivative definition of single univariate funciton, single multivariate function and multiple multivariate function
derivative f’(x) = df / dx
gradient ∇f(x1, x2, …, xn)
(df / dx1, df / dx2, df / dx3,…, df / dxn)
Multiple Multivariate:
jacobian matrix dF / dx
What are the first-order optimality conditions for 1D and 2D functions?
optimality -> find minimum
derivative of the function must be 0
partial derivatives for w1, w2 must be 0
(y = aw1 + bw1)…
=> gradient must be 0 vector
Last changed2 years ago