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Contrast to the Enlightenment
Middle Ages as a romantic topic, wanted some historical point outside the classic antiquity
form: sonnet (petrachan sonnet)
14lines of poetry ocatve + sestet
famous poets: Sir Walter Scott, Lord Byron
Considered national poet of Scotland
Satirical poems and sentimental
people in 18th century were interest in satire
“heaven taught plowman”
Burns has sentimental poetry for middle class, Jacobite nationalistic songs also, classicist
texts for the classists
Tam o’ Shanter
Such a Parcel of Rogues in a Nation
To a mouse
Holly Wilies Prayer
Edwin Morgan- Open the doors
Alastair McIntosh -”Freeing the unicorn”
Caroll Ann Duffy - originally
Jackie Kay -Threshold
James Thompson - The city of dreadful night
Robert Stevenson - From a railway carriage
Andrew Park - Let glasgow flourish
Hugh McDiarmid - Scotland 1960 , “Scotland Small?”
Edward Muir - Scotland 1941, The horses
William Mc Gonal - The Tay bridge
Hugh McDiarmind - poems: Glagow 1960, Scotlands small?, The watergaw, England is our enemy
Derick Thomson - Street in Glassgow
1689 Gloroius Revolution
1707 Act of Union
1745 Jacobite Uprising, Great Defeat
1837 Queen Victoria becomes Queen => start of Vicotia Age
1997 People of Scotland voted to have a parliament again => Opening of building 2004
Scottish referendum 2014
Poets List
Robert Burns- Tam o Shanter, Such a parcel of rouges in anation Holy Willies Prayer, To a mouse
Sir Walter Scott - Waverly and Lochinvar
Hugh Mc Diarmind
Lord Byron- Lachin y Gair, She walks in beauty
James Thompsons - The city of dreadful Night
William McGonagall - The tay bridge
Charles Hamilton Sorley & Rupert Brooke: When you see millions of mouthless dead, Soldier
Edward Muir- „The Horses“, Scotland 1941
Ian Crichton Smith: The Clearances
Norman MacCaig - A man is assynt, Basking Shark,
Alastair McIntosh- Freeing the Unicorn
Kathleen James-The Queen of Sheba
In 2021 she became Scotland's fourth Makar.
Who owns the Land
The Queen of Sheba:
About the Queen of Sheba from the bibel, SHe seduces the wise Solomon)
contrasts typical Scottish women
In the eyes of Scottish Calvinists: bad seductress of man
poem critiques the Calvinist side of Scotland
Presbyterian = patriarchy
Alastair McIntosh
red and white rose: England
Freeing the unicorn
poem: Scotland
Narrator is happy bu then a calvinist woman says that they will get punished for the happiness
poem: Rannoch Loop
nostalgic poem, melancholic
landscape connects the past and the present Old crofters burnt out croft => reference to highland clearences
poem: fiere (Scottish word for friend)
celbrates friendship, lasting for a lifetime
Imitates Burns (writes romantic live poems);
=> here: platonic friendship is celebrated
All money goes to Westminster, they decide how much Scotlands gets => Scotland depends on What westminster decides
Referendum 2014
no vote = older part of the generation
yes vote: young people
Rampant lion: England, unicorn: symbol of Scotland
what does Unicorn stand for: Scotland restrained in chains, stands for purity, horn itself:
healing powers, wisdom
Lion: goes after pray, it is mighty but not loved, rampant: lion is standing on its hind legs
Carol Ann Duffl
always struggled with her identity, emigrated from Scotland to England
poem: “Originally”
all childhood is emigration, change isn’t anything unususal
poem: ”September 2014”
-thistle: Flower of Scotland
red and white rose: flower of england
-House of York(red rose), House of Lancaster(white rose) => war of the roses
1688 Glorious revolution: The King James II was ousted and excilled to france alongside his wife and infant son, he was shorty replaced by his protestand daughter Marry and her husband William of Orange. => Outrage by cathlic and supporters of the Kings of Stuart. Only god can appoint a monarch and not parlament(which decided that James vacated the throne). Support of the deposed King which became known as Jacobitism.
The throne of William and Mary have been passed down to George I of Hanover. The crowning prompted a new wave of jacobitism.
1746 Battle of Culloten
=> The clan system was destroyed
=> The highland clearences
=> The dress act
Five point of calvinism : TULIP
total depravity: all have sinned
unconditional election: god’s rescuing only to god will
limited atonement: forgiveness of our sins by jesus death limited to the chosen one
irresistable grace: we cannot thwart the will of god to save
preservance of saints: You cannot lose your salvation
falling wages
radicalization and unrest
trade unions
socialistt and marxist
Hamish Handerson “The John Mc Lean March”
advised people not to go to war, anti war,anti-state
celebrate John McLane
“The John Mc Lean March”
Anglophobe, against Burn cult, people should look for new talent
Founder of national party
against assimilation of Scotish and ENglish culture
says that it is all about language: takes dictionaries and looks up old words which aren’t used anymore
Glagow 1960
Scotlands small?
The watergaw
England is our enemy
poem - When you see millions of mouthless dead
theme: depersonalization, horrors of war, soldiers are victims
=> Here lies the form of victorianism and modernism
=> actors appear in mask
Young volunteer at first WW
poem - The Soldier
theme: nationalism, positive image of soldier, educated, hero fighting for his country
The term “decadent” comes for the first time.
We need sth. new sth. traditional
Politcial imperialism but cultural wanted to turn back time
(against feminist movement) “suffragete” =activist women women organization for the right to vote
Counter movement: First WW => “harties” dreams of manliness
Rupert Brooke and Charles Hamilton Sorley
Go into flanders battle, first WW voluntary
Rupert Brooke - The soldier
Charles Hamilton Sorley - When you see millions of mouthless dead
1837 Queen Victoria becomes Qeen
=> Start of the Victorian age
Victorian time is charaterized by industry gaining speed, people try to come to terms with industrialization
3 types of artist:
Mainstream artists (Robert Stevenson - From a railway carriage, Andrew Park-Let Glasgow flourish)
novelist that criticize(George Elliot)
revolutionaries(George Thompson)
James Thompson B. V.: “The city of a dreadful”
not for mainstream audience, only for sad faternity
Devastating image of human condition, as a never ending end game, all without purpose, everyone in a psychological cage without being able to connect with other suffering
Seen as a romaticist but more a classisist
Describes wild nature of Scotland
Compares English nature as more primitive & boring
-Lachin y Gair : About the Nature of Scotland, but more
-She walks in beauty:
The woman seems to radiant beauty but Byron talks about her character: You can see that she is beautiful from the inside => She makes something contrasting to be in harmony ”so calm, yet eloquent”
-Childe Harolds Pilgrimage: => Byronic Heroic, a proud moody cynicall outcast anti-establishment figure yet capable of deeb and strong affection
a poet most be a revolutionary
Unaswered questions, imperfections of language to express concepts, highland landscape, froming scottish identity
A man in Assynt
Onesided lovepoem to Scottish nature
who possesses the land: millionaire or the poacher
Aunt Julia:
Basking shark
A decadent townee at high see seeing ah shark
“decadent”= SOmething on the downtrend
The twony is out of place
Is man really that high up on the evolution as we all think?
=> What form of life will survive?
“Wizard of the North” Poet of romaticism
One of the most important poets of romanticism
For long time didnt write under his original name, worked as a laywer
was known for pomes but had to shift to novels because to popularity of Lord Byron
portraied Highlanders as nobel savages
Organized the King CHarles IV visit to Scotland
Introduced Clanbased kilts and tartans as national symbols => many are offended because Highlands is not Scotland
=>starts toruirst boom in the Highlands
famous novels:
Rob Roy
Conjunctions of minds and ideas in Scotland, Second half of 18th century
“Edinburgh as the city of genius”
“Athens of the North”
Use “reason” and question
Philosophical characterisitcs
Skepticism of rationalism
Dirve towards empirical methods
Sentiment and sense
=> Focus on improving society
=>Interdisciplinary approach
=>Skepticism of authority
Key thinkers:
Adam Smith: First modern economist “The wealth of a nation”, invisible hand of the market
David Hume: moral philosipher and historian neutraility of money and free trade
Impact of Scotish enlightenment:
Many elements of modern society originated from this time like capitalism and the creation of the middle class
Important Poet of the Renaisance
Argues that Scottish literature is a failure because it has lost its connection to its pre-Reformation culture and language
Scotland 1941
the Horses
Last changeda year ago