Urban form and function
both features modify the atmosphere:
Urban form
fabric: material (of buildings, roads, vegetation) determine radiative, thermal and moisture properties
-> absorb, reflect, emit radiation
-> accept, transfer and retain heat and water
surface cover: built up, paved, vegetated, bare soil -> determine partioning of heat, water and albedo
urban structure: dimensions of building, spaces inbetween, street width,… determine aerodynamic roughness and albedo
Urban function
metabolic cycles: work day, work week, … influence pulses -> traffic, water use, heating and cooling
anthropogenic emmisions
periods of constructions, decay, destruction
air pollutants interfere with radiation (-> can form condensation nuclei)
Properties of urban surface
radiative: geometry, refelctivitiy, absorptivity
thermal: specific heat, heat capacity, thermal conductivity
moisture: interception and storage capacity, stomatal characteristics, chemical nature
aerodynamic: roughness, zero-plane displacement, porosity
Urban units
Facets: roofs, walls, lawns
elements: building, tree
urban canyon: street with flanking buildings
urban block: grid pattern producing square or rectangular blocks -> road pattern
neighbourhood: land use zones in urban planning (residential, industrial,..)
City: largest unit
Anthropogenice heat flux
heat released as a result of human activities in a city
combustion of fuels
consumption of electricity (heating, cooling)
cooking, heating water
three categories:
human/animal metabolic output
Energy use by individuals depends on:
climate of the region
nature of the economy
modes of transport
available resources
behaviroural differences
20-100% of annual net allwave radiation (higher values in winter due to heating)
Urban canyons
streets with flanking buildings
H/W = lambdas -> canyon aspect ratio (H=height of buildings, W=width of stree)
-> Impact of geometric configuratuib of urban canyon on radiation exchange
increase of canyon aspect ratio leads to increase od absorption and decrease of albedo
Local climate zones
clustered by their typical fabric, land cover, structure and metabolism
also entails natural ecosystems
can be determined from aerial photographs, remote sensing and maps or from measurements
suited for predicting climatic characteristics, not land use
Urban boundary layer
if no regional wind present, climatic influence of a city is restricted to a self-constaining urban dome
with regional wind -> urban plume
plume contains thermal, mpositure and kinematic effects of the city
plume carries air pollutants (up to hundreds of kilometers)
possible that plumes from multiple cities combine (megalopolitan plume)
lowest 10% of UBL is aurface layer (here are effects of citiy most profound)
Urban canopy layer
site of intense human activity (and excahnge and transformation of energy, momentum and water)
top of UCL is the height of urban elements (sometimes hard to definde specific height due to few unusually high buildings)
different processes near roof-level and within canopy (e.g. street level)
radiation exchange is disrupted by restricted view of sun and sky
Sensible and latent heat - Bowen ratio
Sensible heat QH: driven by differences between surface and atmosphere (->minimizes temperature differences)
Latent heat QE: energy requires to vaporise a certain water mass
Bowen ratio:
if beta >1 -> lower atmosphere is warmed
if beta < 1 -> keeping surface cooler while adding humidity
(Ocean beta = 0.1; Crops beta = 0.3; Urban with much green beta = 1; Urban with few green beta = 4; sandy dessert beta = 10)
Heat storage
at citiy scale: urban-rural thermal property differences are small
seasonal changes can alter sign and size of differences
if surrounding rural area has dry soils, fresh snow or vegetation -> favour heat storage in the city
if surrounding rural area has wet soils (even flooded) or bare rock -> differences are much smaller (even reversed)
Cities can sequester heat efficiently (due to geometry and great active area)
Generally: the greater the density the greater the potential for storage
Surface energy balance
Last changed2 years ago