d) Customer relationships, revenue streams, value proposition
Why is entrepreneurial resource acquisition important?
entrepreneurship = process by which individuals pursue opportnuities without regard to the resources they currently control
=> acquisition and creative use of resources is crucial for entrpreneurs
What are the two key assumptions about resources?
resource heterogeneity -> different firms process bundles of different resources
resource immobility -> some resources are inelastic in supply or costly to copy
According to Barney, why are resources so essential to a firm?
resources = basic building blocks to a firm’s functioning and performance
are inputs into production process
can be combined in different ways
a bundle of resources provides a firm its capacity to achieve superior performance
Which characteristics do resources need to have to represent a sustained competitive advantage for a firm?
imperfectly inimitable
company well organized
=> sustained competitive advantage
How can an entrepreneur obtain a resource bundle providing a sustained competitive advantage?
What is the basic function of entrepreneurs as leaders
the business stakeholders to get access to resources
How should an entrepreneur as a leader communicate to effectively influence, convinve and motivate stakeholders?
communicate strong vision -> an idea that reflects shared values
ideal and unique image of the future
positive, general, and emotinally laden idea related to strong values
projected mental image of the products, services, and organization a leader aspires to
What is persuasion?
a form of social influence
process of guiding people toward the adoption of an idea, attitude, or action
How does persuasion work?
via psychological and social influence tactics
via certain communication styles and elements (see also leadership)
Which steps does the negotiation and persuasion process involve while preparing the discussion?
WHAT DO YOU WANT TO ACHIEVE (YOUR GOAL) understanding your and the other party’s goals
WHAT IS YOUR BATNA understanding your and the other party’s goals BATNA
= best alternative to a negotiated agreement
-> unterstanding your and the other’s party’s limits
Which steps does the negotiation and persuasion process involve during the discussion?
achieving a compromise
bargaining tactics
What does ist look like graphically to achieve a compromise?
What are the two routes of persuasion?
the other has low ability or motivation to process information
=> peripheral route of persuasion
the other has high ability or motivation to process information
=> central route of persuasion
What is the peripheral route of persuasion?
How should the communicator behave?
What should the message be?
How should you communicate?
judgement based on peripheral cues (credibility of source or number of arguments)
communicator: build on liking, show confidence, enthusiasm, stress similarity to audience
message: creating emotional bond, emphasize what other side risks to lose rather than what they can gain
communicate: speaking quickly, using vivid descriptions, metaphors, personal stories
What is the central route of persuasion?
judgement based on systematic assessment of central cues (credibility of source or number of arguments)
communicator: demonstrate knowledge and experiences, prove trustworthiness
message: logical, rationate arguments and strong evidence for feasibility, elaborate benefits
communicate: two-sided information, present potential pitfalls, demonstrate how you will deal with them
How is bargaining compared to collaboration and cooperation?
implies that all wins on one side result in losses on the other side -> competitive situation
bargaining tactics are double-sworded -> entrepreneurs can influence others, but might also end cooperative business relationships
What are two bargaining tactics?
commitment and consistency
What is reciprocity?
fundamental principal of human interaction
we try to repay in what another person has provided us
exchange does not necesarily need to be equal
reciprocity can arise from uninvited debts and concessions
What are the two techniques used in reciprocity?
Reciprocity - How does the Door-in-the-face-technique work?
making an extreme requenst and follow it up with a more reasonable one
the initial request can be an anchor for evaluating the follow-up
Reciprocity - How does the That’s-not-all-folks-technique work?
increasing the offer or reducing the cost
can evoke the feeling of making a bargain
What is commitment and cosistency?
humans have drive to behave in a consistent way
people tend to feel pressured to stick to choice or opinion after they made a decision
When is commitment most effective?
when the decision has been made in public, involved effort or is viewed as internally motivated
What are the two techniques used in commitment and consistency?
Commitment nad consistency - How does the Foot-in-the-door-technique work?
escalating patterns of requests
builds a first connection and draws on the connection
Commitment nad consistency - How does the Low-balling-technique work?
inducements that are withdrawn after commitment is made
e.g. fees added to the initiall displayed price
What are the take aways to know about persuasion and negotiation?
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