Social Planner and Welfare Maximization
Policymaker/ state/ government- only interested in maximizing utility of society in the most effective/ efficient way
Social welfare includes fairness and just distribution, these are not defined
sets economic & political frameworks so that markets could function
corrects market failures
Task of economic policy: solve technical problems
The State and the Economic System
Pure market economy: state has a minor role (providing legal system, setting rules of the game, fighting market power). Liberal economy without much state intervention.
State-directed economy (socialism, communism): state has the major role of planning and deciding on allocation of production and consumption in society and economy.
Social market economy (“Soziale Marktwirtschaft”) as a third way: social system complements market economy and market outcomes to realize long-term stability in the market economy and a livable society.
The Role of the State in Economics
The state has to provide, ensure, and enforce property rights. These can be
centrally or decentrally allocated,
inclusive or exclusive.
The state should ensure smooth functioning of markets. For this, transaction costs should be minimized for a given allocation of property rights.
Domestic and international rules and institutions should be structured such that they minimize transaction costs.
They should change if property rights or transaction costs change.
Rules and property rights structure incentives and behavior, and thereby influence the economic outcome
Coase Theorem
Even if the presence of externalities the efficient outcome can be realized if: there are no transaction costs; contracts are enforceable; property rights are well-defined
Well-defined property rights make private exchange possible
Role of the State: Define and enforce PR, reducs TC, substitute of negotiations do not work
Das Coase-Theorem ist ein Konzept aus der ökonomischen Theorie, das von dem britischen Ökonomen Ronald Coase entwickelt wurde. Es besagt, dass unter bestimmten Bedingungen effiziente Ergebnisse in Bezug auf die Allokation von Ressourcen erreicht werden können, auch wenn es zu Externalitäten kommt.
Property Rights
Exclusive right to use
Exclusive right to exchange/ transfer
right of use, rent, sell
Can be allocated to: public, private, common
Allocation of PR shapes incentives (socialism, commons, …)
Rights are usually not unrestricted.
Transaction Costs
Operating costs of the economy or the costs of human exchange: costs of initiation, negotiation, decision-making & controlling
Also include costs of arising from uncertainty about the contractor´s behavior and the costs of implementing an agreement
TC increase in model uncertainty and model disagreement (nach North)
By lowering such costs, economic interaction becomes easier and more specialization is possible which allows to exploit efficiency gains
These costs also arise in politics
Dimensions of Transaction Costs and Solutions
Contract implementation
Enformenet (Opportunism)
Agancy Problems (Moral Hazard, opportunism)
Hold Up.
Informational Asymmetry: Adverse selection, post contractual (MH), PAT Problem
Time Inconsistency
State can set up product standards
introduce compulsory insurances or warranties
structure working contracs
regulate informational duties (to reduce informational asymmetries)
Traditional View of Economic Policy
Set the institutional framework
Reduce informational asymmetry and uncertainty.
Correct market failures and improve allocative efficiency
Provision of public goods
Internalization of externalities
Stabilization of economic variables
Prevent abuse of market power
Achieve Pareto-efficiency. (Correct market failures.)
Redistributional fairness. (Correct market outcomes.)
Public Goods
Non-rivalrous (in consumption)
Non-excludable (or exclusion too expensive)
In theory, each individual should contribute according to his/her marginal benefit from consuming this good. Individuals will understate willingness to pay and try to free-ride on others.
There is underprovision of such goods.
Externalities exist when individual behavior affects the utility of other individuals such that individual and social costs or benefits deviate
Private and social optimum diverge and market prices will not reflect true social costs and benefits. Given distorted prices, there is under or overprovision of private goods and bads as a consequence of this market failure
State intervention can improve the market outcome if it internalizes the marginal social benefits and cost. Corrected prices ensure efficient market outcome
Externalitäten sind Auswirkungen wirtschaftlicher Aktivitäten, die nicht im Preis berücksichtigt werden und Dritte oder die Gesellschaft betreffen. Positive Externalitäten erzeugen Nutzen für andere, z.B. saubere Energie. Negative Externalitäten verursachen Kosten oder Schäden, z.B. Luftverschmutzung. Externalitäten führen zu Marktversagen, da sie nicht vollständig internalisiert werden. Regierungen müssen Mechanismen wie Umweltsteuern oder Regulierungen einführen, um Externalitäten zu berücksichtigen
Market Power
If firms have market power, they will not behave as price-takers but set prices strategically
Prices are too high, supply is too low
There is redistribution from consumers to producers, and there is a deadweight loss
State can establish efficient outcome by establishing competition rules and regulating the price in case of natural monopolies.
Economic Stabilization
Since markets are not fully efficient (informational asymmetries, rigid prices and wages), economic fluctuations entail costs in terms of employment, unused capacities, and failed or misdirected investments.
Thus, state has also a role in terms of stabilizing macroeconomic variables.
In boom times economic policy should reduce government demand. In recessions economic policy should increase government demand.
That is, economic policy should be counter-cyclical.
The magic square in Germany
Social Welfare
In a democracy, the utility of each individual is important; minorities should be protected.
Economics applies concept of “methodological individualism”.
The first problem for a “welfare maximizing” policymaker is how to measure individual utility.
What enters utility?
People have incentives to misreport true preferences for strategic gains.
The second problem is to aggregate individual utilities to “social welfare”.
How to make interpersonal utility comparisons?
What is the right aggregation mechanism?
Is it possible at all to consistently aggregate?
Bentham Welfare Function
Nash Welfare Function
Rawls Welfare Function
Arrow Impossibility Theorem
Arrow even shows that under very mild conditions for democracy, it is not possible to aggregate individual utilities consistently
The normative view of economic policy is that governments
Correct market failure to reach efficiency
Stabilize the economy to ensure efficient use of resources
Correct market outcomes to ensure efficient use of resources
Last changed2 years ago