What are the three types of errors in software development, and how do they differ from each other?
Failure: Observable difference in behavior, such as a crash or wrong output.
Fault: Error in the code.
Error: Incorrect state of the program.
Types of tests
Unit tests: Test correct behavior in one module.
Integration tests: Test subsystem and interaction between modules.
System tests: Test the whole system.
Acceptance tests: Check whether the software is usable.
What are the two aproaches to test a system in its entirety?
Big Bangs: Test all modules in isolation, then merge them together. Often leads to failure.
Incremental: Test one module, then add another one, and continue adding modules incrementally. Modules not added yet may be simulated with mocks.
Control Flow-Based Testing - Coverage Criteria
- C0 Statement Coverage: Each statement in the code must be executed at least once. (nodes)
- C1 Decision Coverage: Each decision (boolean expression) must evaluate to both true and false at least once. (result)
- C2 Condition Coverage: Each condition in a decision must evaluate to both true and false at least once. (each var)
- C3 Condition Decision Coverage: Each condition in a decision (C2) and the overall decision result must evaluate to both true and false at least once.
- C4 Modified Condition Decision Coverage (MCDC): All combinations of conditions and decision results must be tested.
- C5 Multiple Condition Coverage: All combinations of multiple conditions must be tested, but this can be infeasible for large numbers of conditions.
- C6 Path Coverage: All possible paths through the code must be executed, but this may not be practical due to potentially infinite paths.
Coverage Use Cases
- Selection Criteria: tests to include in test suite
- Quality Indicator: can indicate quality/thoroughness of test suite
- Stopping Criteria: determining when testing can be considered complete
Data Flow Testing
- Focus: Data flow testing is concerned with where variables are assigned values and where those values are used in the code.
- Objective: The goal is to test different data flow paths to uncover potential data-related issues or bugs.
Combinatorial Testing
Testing combinations that cover all interactions between pairs of input parameters.
-> testing all combinations infeasable -> approximation with combinatorial testing
Purpose of Software Testing + Issues with Software Testing
Purpose: Check requirements and find failures;
“Testing can never show the absence of errors, only their presence” – E.W. Dijkstra
Test oracle problem (oracle not always clear)
Test selection and stopping criteria hard
Similar/related activities to software testing
walkthroughs, reviews, inspections
When can software testing be used
can only be used after parts of testing have been implemented
bevor that: walkthroughs, reviews, …
Subsumption relationships (coverage)
➢ Path coverage ≻ boundary-interior coverage ≻ branch coverage ≻ statement coverage
➢ Multiple condition coverage ≻ MC/DC ≻ C/D coverage ≻ condition coverage
Equivalence Partitioning
group possible input data into blocks of a partition, or “equivalence classes”
-> Classification Tree
Today: based on requirements -> no automation in general
Failure: Observable difference in behavior between actual and intended behaviour
Error: Deviation of system’s actual and indended state (incorrect internal state)
Fault: Actual/Hypothesized reason for deviation
Last changed2 years ago