Test selection criteria
Functional criteria:
Specific domain or application; requirements
Methodological support
Structural criteria:
Independent of domain
data flow, control flow, data
Stochastic criteria:
Uniform distributions: “purely random”
User proile
In general: not worse than structural criteria
Defect-based criteria
Models of the SUT
encode test cases for the SUT
input (sequence) and expected output (sequence)
necesarrily more abstract than the SUT
-> model as precise as SUT — directily validate SUT
-> model-based training only efficient if model is more abstract than SUT
models encapsulates details
Models for scenarios
One model for both testing and development
no reduncancy -> no verification
test models different from development models (normally)
Two seperate models
too expensive
different level of abstractions
both tests + code profit from advantages of model-based development
Model for TC Generation
changing requirements -> interleaving model and code development
model fairly complex to generate code from it
specification doesnt profit from benefits of model-based development
Model extraction from code
automatic generation -> redunancy questionable
ex-post development of test cases only
Test Case Generation
Dedicated algorithms for dedicated criteria
(bounded) model checking
symbolic execution
heuristic search
Last changed2 years ago