OO software characteristics that impact testing
State dependent behavior
Polymorphism and dynamic binding
Abstract and generic classes
Exception handling
Testing Strategies (names only)
State-based testing
Testing with state machines
Testing with inheritance
Testing with polymorphism
Testing exception handlers
State-based Testing
Classes -> state/instance variables
Functions -> operations/methosd
Concrete: Attribute valuations
E.g.: number = 42 && list = ['a', 'b', 'c'], etc.
Abstract: Predicates over attribute valuations (state invariants)
E.g.: positive ↔ number >= 0
Basic Idea:
Interpret code as EFSM (extended finite state machines)
check certain fault models
One variant of model-based testing
Testing inheritance - Fault Models
Incorrect initialization
Inadvertent bindings (multiple inheritance; missing override)
Naked access (access of instance variable instead of getter/setter)
Incorrect location of subclass: (e.g. class rectangle instead of square used)
Conflict subclass and superclass (e.g. incorrect override)
Naughty children (leaves object in state that is illegal in superclass)
Worm holes (subclass computes values inconsistent with superclass)
Spaghetti inheritance (deep hierarchies are error prone)
Testing inheritance - strategies
Inheritance implemented by mechanims: Extension, Overriding, Specialization
Makes all inhereted features explicit
Test Reuse:
partially reuse for overritten methods
no test for inherited methods
new test for new methods
Testing Polymorphism - strategies
Liskov’s substitution principle: Objects of superclass should be replaceable by objects of subclass without breaking the application
Polymorphic server test
intention: conformance with liskov’s substition principle
fault models: all inhericance fault models
server-related faults only
Model Hierarchy Test
intention: flattened class scope with constraints on sequencing methods
Polymorphic Message Test
intention: test client of a polymorphic server
all possible bindings of each polymorphic message must be exercised once
Test each exception handler, and each explicit throw or re-throw of an exception
Local exception handlers:
Test the exception handler
Non-local exception handler:
difficult to determine all pairings of <points, handler>
enforce design rule: if method propagates exception -> method call should have no other effect
Types of control faults in state-based testing
Missing or incorrect transition or event
Resulting state is incorrect yet not corrupt
Missing or incorrect action
Wrong thing happens when executing a transition
Extra, missing, or corrupt state
Behavior becomes unpredictable
Sneak path or illegal message failure
Message accepted when it shouldn’t or unexpected message causes a failure
Criteria used to select/derive tests from EFSM
State Coverage: Cover all states
Transition Coverage: Cover all transitions
Transition path coverage: Cover all possible paths
Last changed2 years ago