What are three valuation methods?
How do we round when estimating market value?
What is the income appraoch? What are three methods for it?
What is the discounted cash flow approach?
What are performance evalutaions of the discounted cash flow appraoch?
What are the two approaches of the all risks yield approach?
Terms and Reversion (Vertical Layering)
Core + Top - Slice Approach (Horizontal Layering)
Explain the All risks yield approach with term and revision
Vertical Layering
Explain the all risks yield appraoch core + top-slice (horizontal layering)
annual rent (core) can be achieved infinitely. If the contractually agreed rent is higher then this core rent, a correction in the form of a capitalized difference (top-slice) is applied over the term of the contract.
What are performance evaluations of the all risks yield approach?
Explain the german income appraoch
What is the reversion cash flow?
What is the all-risks yield?
all-risks yield (ARY), i.e. the yield achieved for comparable fully-let properties
What is an go-out cap rate?
Property Value = Net Operating Income (NOI) / Cap Rate
What is the top-slice?
How do I average the initial yield and the yield on revision if I have an adjustment in 2 or 5 years?
What are operating costs?
With the german appraoch
What is gross rent?
Ein Bruttomietvertrag ist eine Art gewerblicher Mietvertrag, bei dem der Mieter eine pauschale Miete zahlt und der Vermieter alle Betriebskosten trägt, die regelmäßig durch das Eigentum entstehen, einschließlich Steuern, Strom und Wasser.
What is the difference between the direct and the indirect comparision methode?
For both:
Both the ImmoWertV and the VW-RL provide two forms of the comparision method. In the direct comparision Methode, the comparision value is derived directly from comparision prices. In the indirect comparision Methode, comperative factors are used which are not absolute prices but prices related to a reference unit.
What is the direct sales comparision methode?
How is the indirect sales comparision methode calculated?
What is the matched pair analysis?
What is a comparative factor?
What is the cost appraoch?
How can the replacment cost for the cost approach be found?
What is accured depreciation in the cost appraoch
Last changed2 years ago