What is Bergers take on bias in Sociology?
A sociologist cannot be bias free, but Sociology is supposed to be value-free
He is obliged to represent his observations as they are -> without alterations similar to spies
What is Mills take on the Sociological Imagination
quality of mind that will help use information and to develop reason in order to achieve lucid summations of what is going on in the world and of what may be happening with themselves
What were the 3 periods Sociology can be divided into?
Enlightenment, American Revolution 1776, French Revolution 1789
Urbanization and Industrialization
20th century
Who were the top thinkers of the Enlightenment and what were their ideas?
Adam Smith
Society emerges out of self-interested behavior of individuals
god has no power anymore —> Inviduals are guided by an invisible hand
As we specialize more we have a higher value to society -> benefits everyone
August Comte
We cannot understand individuals without understanding social dynamics and cohesion
Created the word sociology
Alexis de Tocqueville
sought to understand the nature of social and political order through comparing different histories, institutions and cultures
Who were the top thinkers of the Industrialization and Urbanization period?
Karl Marx
Persistent stratification among social classes in society
Ultimately leads to revolutions
We live in societies of conflict
Emile Durkheim
Antidote to Karl Marx
All the different bits and pieces have evolved in order to correspond and cooperate similar to an organism
if they don’t the organism, society dies
Max Weber
focuses on the individual
What is Gramscis Main Thesis?
Social stratification
Persistent arrangement of groups within society relative to each other with respect to their access to privileges, resources, power, and perceived social worth
What were Adam smith's thoughts on the division of Labour?
“The difference between the most dissimilar characters, between a philosopher and a common street porter for example, seems to arise not so much from nature, as from habit, custom and education.”
Not in their nature; rather the habits and education is highly defining in the division of Labour
How did Max Weber define Power?
the chance of a man or of a number of men to realize their own will in a communal action even against the resistance of others who are participating in the same action.
Labeling Theory
Violators of a norm are identified as social deviants and also come to identify as such
To what does the labeling theory lead?
Obedience, because certain people / groups obey because they think they have an advantage to do so
Legitimacy, people start to believe in the legitimacy of the actions of the dominant group
Bureaucracy, construct of impersonal roles and tasks for achieving bigger goals
George Herbert Mead why important?
Symbolic Interactionism theory
People attach meaning to symbols and act accordingly
What is Marx’s definition of capital?
Any asset that is productive. That is to say that produces more value than it consumes
What is socialization and what is the difference between latent and manifest?
The process by which a society or group imparts it’s social norms
Manifest socialization
deliberate and systematic: for example the teacher forming moral
Latent socialization
Indeliberate and unsystematic but apparent: unequal behavior towards boys and girls
On what does the Weberian approach focus most?
How structure emerges from interaction and social action
What are bourdieus types of capital?
Economic; all the assets that can be converted to cash
Social: assets that accrue to the individual base of friends
Cultural capital : habits of the power and mind
what was one of the most important concepts of Pierre Bourdieu
What is the theory of voluntary servitude?
Developed by La Boétie, it claims that more than the fear of punishment it is the habit that makes people subject to domination
The secret of domination is to make the dominate participate in the domination through shaping their individual behaviors
Concept of political socialization
Process of internalization of the founding beliefs of the political order
School is a socialization : pledge of allegiance in American schools
What are social facts?
Only Durkheim!!
Are manners of acting, thinking or feeling external which ar3 invested with a coercive power by virtue of which they exercise control over
What is the difference between Weberian and bourdieuan
Bourdieu stresses that it is a more unconscious process of cultural domination
Weber is more concerned with the conscious social actions : more focused on the subjective meanings and motivations behind individuals
Weber vs Bourdieu on structure
Wber focuses on social action and interaction: interactionism emphasizes how individuals create and interpret meaning in social interactions and thereby establish social boundaries
Bourdieu emphasizes the structural aspects of social space — competition for specialized capital within specific domains
Symbolic violence
Internalized discourses that contribute to a groups domination
Complicity between its victims and agents: both remain unconscious about submitting to o-r wielding it
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