Bedingte Wahrscheinlichkeit
Satz von Bayes
Bedingte Wahrscheinlichkeit & Gegenwahrscheinlichkeit
P(A|B) = 1 - P(nicht A | B)
Variablen Query / Evidence / Hidden
Query: Was wir berechnen wollen / das was man rausfinden will
Evidence: Welche Variablen wir fürs Berechnen verwenden / das was man macht
Hidden: Welche Variablen nicht in der Berechnung vorkommen
P(C|A, B) = ?
alpha * P(C) P(B|C) * P(A|C)
When is a variable deterministic?
When the outcome is always the same
Assume your network is C → F → T ← S (which may or may not be a correct solution to the above question). Which probabilities are stored in 2 pt the conditional probability table of node T?
The probability distribution P(T|F, S), i.e., P(T = x|F = y, S = z) as a function of Booleans x, y, z
Last changed10 months ago