Literatur nach Thaler, 2008
In a broadest sense, literature comprises
all forms of written communication, i.e. written, printed works. […]
for example essays, travel literature
as well as semi-fictional or non-fictional text types
like biographies and works of philosophy.
Narrower definitions reduce the scope by
focussing on various criteria, very often referring to the poetic and imaginative quality of literary texts.”
Literature vs. literature
Literature = body of written works that are considered to have artistic or intellectual value
literature = broader term that encompasses any written material, regardless of its artistic or intellectual value
kontinuierliche vs. disontinuierliche Texte
kontinuierlich = zusammenhängend
diskontinuierlich = Fragmente, Bruchstücke, Abschnitte
Arten von literarischen Texten
o Lyric (sonnet, ode, limerick, free verse)
o Narrative texts (novel, short story, fable, anecdote)
o Dramatic text (tragedy, history play, sketch)
Definition von Storytelling nach Wright, 2008
Wright, 2008:
Stories, which rely so much on words, offer a major and constant
source of life & language experience
for children.
Stories are
motivating & memorable,
rich in language experience,
and inexpensive.
—> Useful website:
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