Name Techniques to measure strain and displacement.
Potentiometers (or variable electrical resistance transducers)
Linear (or Rotary) Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT or RVDT
Strain-gages and extensometers:
• resistance (bonded) strain gages (metals or semiconductor)
• resistance extensometers
• optical extensometers
Optical field techniques:
• photoelasticity
• Moirè interferometry
Describe two variants of a Potentiometer.
What challenges faces the resulution of potentiometers?
The resolution is limited by the number of wire turns per unit distance
On which principle relies the Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) to measure displacement?
(give the formula)
Electro magnetic induction
the change in magnetic flow over time:
Describe the voltage output of the Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT).
Name the typical Voltage and Input frequency of a Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT)
Name the advantages and disadvantages of a Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT)
very robust
limited possibility to overload
unsensitive to temperature
no amplification for output needed
low resolution (compared to strain gauges)
moving mass can produce errors due to inertia
Which material classes are there for strain gauges?
metallic strain gauges
semiconductor strain gauge
How does the Principle of a Strain Gauge work? (basic)
The wire is deformed by the stress and due to the deforming of the geometry the resistivity changes. From this change one can directly measure the change in strain.
What is the relationship between strain and resistivity in a strain gauge?
R as the resistivity
rho as the resistivity (=spez. Wiederstand)
epsilon x as the strain
How do you call an array of strain gauges in different directions and what are the common orientations?
Strain rosette
0, 45, 45 degree
30, 60, 60 degree
What are advantages and disadvantages of semiconductor strain gauges compared to metal strain gauges?
higher fatigue resitance
lower hysteresis
non-linear output
lower strain range
temperature dependancy
What is the temperature dependancy of a semi conductor strain gauge?
In which kind of circuit are strain gauges normally wired?
Wheatstone bridge (or half bridge)
How does the output voltage calculate from the input voltage in the wheatstone bridge of a strain gauge?
E for Voltage Ei=input voltage, E0=output voltage
By what optical phenomenom can strain be optically measured in plastics?
by the change of polarization
What is the stress optic or brewster law? Name the components.
delta=relative retardation between two lightbeams
n_x,y=indices of refraction
K=strain optical coefficient
How is the experimental arangement for optical strain measurement called?
Plane Polariscope
How can strain directions be determined optically throughout the body?
The variations in strain produce a pattern of visible fringes, which are called isoclines. They are used to determine the stress states.
The strain at the fringes is 0
How can optical stress analysis be conducted for non opitcal conductive bodies?
constructing a model from a translucent material
coating in a photoelastic material
What can be analyzed with optical strain analysis in fibre commposite materials?
fiber buckling can be determined
fiber fragmentation can be determined
What is the parameter of a moire grating?
the pitch, which gives the lines per milimeter
How can strain be measured by a moire grating?
Two gratings are applied to a body. One unconstrained on top of the other. The change in strain is deforming the lower grating. Fringes can be seen at integer multiples of the original dimension. S is the distance between two fringes, p the original dimension, p’ the straine dimension and N an integer.
What is a mechanical dynamometer?
The measuring device of force via a mechanical spring.
What is a load cell?
A load cell generates a voltage signal for an apllied force in an direction.
Which physical effects are used to built load cells?
change in resistance
change in cpacity
piezoelectric effects
What are the requirements of strain gage load cells?
provide an appropriate range of force
provide senitivity to forces in a particular direction
What is the most common piezoelectric material?
monocristalline SiO2
How is the maximum torgue determined?
T=applied torgue
R_0=raidious of elastic member
J=polar moment of inertia
What are the two types of universal (tensile) testing machines?
electromechanical testing machines
servo-hydraulic testing machines
What are the typical features of a electromechanical testing machine?
V=du/dt from 10^-6 to 1 m/min
load capacity 0.5 to 600kN
test frequncy max 1 Hz
data sampling rate max 5000pt/s
What are the typical features of a servohydraulic testing machine?
load capacity 1 to 10000kN
test frequncy max 100 Hz
What is the advatange of servohydraulic machines?
They can apply multiaxial loads
Last changeda year ago