What is Leadership?
“Leadership is the ability of an individual to influence, motivate, and enable others to contribute toward the effectiveness and success of the organization.“
“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.”
“I have a different vision of leadership. A leader is someone who brings people together.”
“Leadership: The art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.”
What are Leadership Styles - a classification
What are the eight roles of leadership?
Managing the projects, managing across different departments/functions, designing the work
Evaluating the performance of his followers -> numbers, sales, etc., monitoring himself
Person as a team builder, using participative decision making
understanding yourself and others, effective communicator, showing how it’s done right (role model) -> seek out potential of people
implementing change, give the vision of change, power of creativity, give people space and room for creativity -> sense of ownership of own goals - Goal Setting Theory
Building and maintaining a power base, negotiator -> negotiating agreements, presents and develops ideas, seeing the „big picture“
Forming a productive work atmosphere -> removing obstacles, stress/anxiety
Visionary, planing, setting goals -> individual goals, team goals, department goals, company goals etc., designer of working culture
How leadership and management differ?
Controlling/Problem Solving
Establishing Directions
Aligning People
Motivating and Inspiring
Leading Change
What are Leadership elements?
Occurs as a process chain
Involves influence and direction
Occurs within a group, society or political environment
Involves goal realisation within a framework
Acting in an interactive relationship with
followers/peers/coworkers/teams et.al.
Power bases and leadership
Personal Power: emotional power, being seen as likable and knowledgeable
1.Coercive Power:
opposite: capacity to penalize
2.Legitimation Power:
status of formal job authority
3.Information Power:
possessing knowledge that others want
4.Referent Power:
followers identification and liking, how others perceive the leader
5.Reward Power:
capacity to reward (e.g. with salary, promotion, power)
6.Expert Power:
based on followers perception of competence of the leader Position Power: derives from a particular office or rank in formal organizational system
Leadership theory approaches - The search for special leaders traits
Early history theories search for traits that distinguish leaders (from the rest) – it comes from a psychological view and with the overriding assumption that leaders were somehow different and in possession of special, unique, or extraordinary personality attributes that others did not have (Stogdill, 1948, 1974)
Leadership - from Traits (Characteristics) approach view
Trait- & Process definition of leadership
Trait definition of leadership
Certain individuals have special innate or inborn characteristics or qualities that differentiate them from nonleaders
-Resides in select people
-Restricted to those with inborn talent
Process definition of leadership
Leadership is a property or set of properties possessed in varying degrees by different people
-Observed in leadership behaviors and in different situations
-Can be learned and is adaptable to the situation
Trait leadership approach - Great person theory
Trait: Characteristic that is stable over time and influences behavior (e.g., extraversion, intelligence, self-esteem)
Skill: Learned ability (e.g., technical skills, managerial skills)
Trait Approach: one of the first systematic attempts to study leadership
“Great Man” Theories (early 1900s): Focused on identifying innate qualities and characteristics possessed by great social, political, and military leaders
Assumption: Very few “great men” impact history
Search for characteristics that distinguish leaders from nonleaders
What are the important leadership trait elements in the traits theory?
Determination (Includes initiative, persistence, dominance, drive)
Self-confidence (Ability to be certain about one‘s competencies and skills)
Sociability (Friendly, outgoing, tactful, diplomatic)
Integrity (Honesty, loyalty, and trustworthiness)
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