
Lecture 3

by Linus K.

Focus on leader behavior (4 leadership styles)



Participative leadership

Achievement-oriented leadership

Directive leadership style: Clarifying how the task should be done, setting clear standards, telling subordinates how to complete the task

What could be a problem?

->Missing freedom & it is micromanagement. Micromanagement is a motivation-killer.

We need balance between micromanagement and freedom. This depends on the evaluation of the development level. Make the rules clear to the subordinate, but don’t micromanagement

It is important to set a time limit for the tasks (time-bound, from goal setting theory)

Supportive leadership behavior: It is an important framework for building team spirit and being a role model. You have to convince the subordinates that you are a role model. Be friendly and approachable. Attend to the well-being of your coworkers. They should like coming to work and have fun. Also using supportive behaviors to make the work environment pleasant which boost the motivation of your coworkers.

Participative leadership style: Include everyone (e.g. even the intern can have constructive ideas). It has something to do with invitation: Invite them to share their criticism or remarks. This leads to transparency -> This is the future of leadership. It is always a two-way communication. Seeking for their ideas and expertise. It is important to integrate their ideas in your decision making. Be fair and give credit to the subordinate.

Achievement-oriented leadership style: Behavioral leadership approach where people only see their coworkers as tools to finish certain tasks.(Find it in the leadership grid). In this achievement-oriented leadership in path-goal theory you challenge the people to give them challenging goals. You can balance this with the development level and see which level you should approach from. Seeking for permanent improvement. This is necessary for leading the change. Also demonstrate a high degree of confidence in the competence of your subordinates (No micromanagement)

Three phases of leadership making which develops over time (Role of the leader / Benefit high quality relationship with employees / Advantages of studying group leadership from dyadic perspective)

Role of the leader:

-Very good communication should be developed towards in- and out-group. Everyone should be included. The goal for the leader is to have good communication to everyone in the company. The result should be that there is no out-group and everyone is a group. Open door concept. Move around the company to communicate. Leader should build trust and respect

Key message of LMX: Have high quality communication and have the company adapt these values

Question: What is the benefit to the leader of having a high quality relationship with his/her employees?

-The employees feel included and can unleash their potential. They are more committed. Building a good power base. Increased employee retention. More engagement (Result is going beyond expectations -> Going over the job description -> They are collecting more knowledge & professionalism -> Better competition standing

-Everyone benefits from mutual good communication -> New joiners feel included and heard -> They can become leaders of tomorrow

Question: What are the advantages of studying group leadership from a dyadic perspective?

-Followers aren’t treated in a collective way, this enhance the communication. Increased trust

-Takes into account the concerns of both parts in the communication process. Better decision making. Increased job satisfaction. More creativity. More power of change.

-Good communication is contagious. This impacts the team and their performance

-> Employee turnover should reduce

-> Also higher quality of promotions in the company

-> Greater organizational commitment to the tasks and goals of the company


Linus K.


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