Define the entropy.
Entropy is a measure of the disorder of a system. It always increases over time.
How is the entropy expressed statistically?
omega = number of microstates
What are the entropy values for a reversible and irrversible process?
irreversible: dS>0
reversible: dS=0
how is the reversible Entropy calculated?
How is the reversible Entropy calculated for a adiabatic system?
How is the reversible Entropy calculated for a isochoric system?
How is the reversible Entropy calculated for a isobaric system?
How is the reversible Entropy calculated for a isothermal system?
How is the entropy calculated for irreversible processes?
lw= lost work
How is the irreversible work of a temperature change calculated?
how is the Entropy calculated for open systems?
How is the Work for a reversible, steady state heat engine calculated?
How is Entropy change calculated?
for the entropy change within one phase
or the entropy change between Phases (m for melting)
(phases have different heat capacities)
What is the third law of thermodynamics?
The third law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of a perfect crystal at absolute zero is zero.
How is Entropy change in reactions calculated?
the S0 values are tabulated
Last changeda year ago