Configurational Model by Asch
Implicit personality theories: preconceived concept about how different traits relate to each other
Central traits: alter meaning of entire personality(sm warm = optimistic, emotional..)
Peripheral trait: no/small influence on general personality
Primacy effect; initial Information has greater Influence cuz they prime following info -> stronger if want to conclude quickly
- Summation;
all gathered information is added up
- ; all gathered information is averaged
o Different traits may be weight depending on the context of the relationship but they don’t alter each other
Non verbal Information-
- Verbal and non-verbal signals might be processed in different brainregions/processes
- Face shapes: similar to baby (E.g. round) -> less dominant naïve
Gives Info about Identity, Familiarity, Category information (age, gender ect)
- Voice pitch; louder, high pitches -> extroverted
- Movement cues
- Internal sensations ( soft ball/hard ball)
- Impression formation influenced by self fulfilling prophecy
Impressions from Environments
- High perceiver consistency
- Higher accuracy
- Reliance on valid cues
Attribution Theory (Heider)
- Causal attribution; assuming reasons for behaviors
§ Helps organize and predict future actions (Need for Mastery)
§ Connects
Correspondent Inference Theory (Jones u Heider)
o Comparing effects of chosen action to those of alternate actions -> deduce prioritys of actor (analysis of non-common effects)
When is the situational attribution lower
(prob only when processed systematically)
when its not about us
when we lack processing motivation
when there is cognitive load (processing resources)
Correspondance Bias )
Tendency for Explaining Behavior Observation by attributing dispositions
even when its known, that action was “ not chosen freely” (Castro essay) “done out of own strenght”(Gameshow host)
more prone when Info is written
When does the prefrence of dispositional Attribution (Correspondence Bias) not apply
if situational info is salient
Varies across culture (western more individualism)
own behavior rather situational (actor-observer bias) (cuz we have mor info, attention/focus more on situation)
Covariation Theory/Model (Kelley)
- Main 3 causes; Person, Entity, Context
Effect attributed to the one where its present when the cause is present and absent when cause is absent (covariation/correlation)
- Main 3 categories;
§ consensus (everyone or just person),
§ consistency (all situations or just this one?),
§ distinctiveness (all topics/people or just this one?)
o can be difficult do differentiate context and context-person causes
-> Causal Schemas fill in info Gaps
causal schemas
o Fill in info gaps when attributing
o Causal scemas: memory of cause-consequence relationships
o Scripts ; memory of fixed sequences of behavior
o Discounting principle; if one causal factor is known/found other potential factors are ignored
o Augumenting Principle; If known factor works against observed thing other causal influences are increased
perceverance Bias
First impressions stick… like hard (Even if Proven Wrong)
Last changeda year ago