To open an account with a bank
Otworzyć konto w banku
To be eligible for something
Nadawać się do czegoś
To make a withdrawal from a bank account
Dokonać wypłaty z konta bankowego
To be covered by an insurance policy
Być objętym polisą ubezpieczeniową
To make a telephone call from a certain number or place
Wykonać połączenie telefoniczne z określonego numeru lub miejsca
To have a decision within a certain period
Uzyskanie decyzji w określonym terminie
To go into the red
Poniżej kreski - idiom
To open a bank account
Otworzyć konto bankowe
To cover your legal costs
Pokryć koszty prawne
Loan rate(s)
Stopa kredytu
To withdraw money from a bank account
Wypłacić pieniądze z konta bankowego
To consolidate your debts
Skonsolidować swoje długi
Interest rate(s)
Stopy procentowe
To make an application for something
Złożyć wniosek o coś
Objęty polisą ubezpieczeniową
A range of services
Zakres usług
A loan application
Wniosek o pożyczkę
If a borrower does not make the repayments as agreed when he or she takes out a loan, the bank will eventually deem that borrower to be in…
I need a loan. However, I want to borrow money as cheaply as possible. I will compare the … offered by my bank with other High Street banks before I make an application
Not many people pay for things by writing a … these days, as most people prefer to pay by direct debit
I took £100 out of my account yesterday. I made this … at an ATM machine
The total amount of money that a person receives in a month from salary and other things. The opposite of outgoings …
The amount of money that you have in your bank account is formally known as your …
How much money are you planning on … your bank to buy a new car?
In order to process your loan I need to ask about your … Are you married, single or divorced?
Marital status
If I run out of money towards the end of the month I usually put any purchases I need to make on my …
Credit card
I am pleased to tell you that your loan application has been … and the money will be in your account today
Please note that you are in arrears on your loan and interest is … day by day
If you would like to know more about the bank's special offers to new customers, please make an appointment to speak to someone at your local …
The bank's customers receive a … every month giving details of all activity on their current account
I am repaying my loan in equal monthly …
The opposite of borrower …
To cancel means to…
...stop something or to make something void
A bank statement is a…
...document a customer receives from a bank giving details of payments in and out of their account
To steal means to…
…take something that belongs to someone else
A transaction is a…
...piece of business
To purport means to…
...claim or to declare that something is true
To obtain means to…
...get possession of something
A receipt is a…
...piece of paper that proves that I have paid for something
A property is a…
...building (for example, a house)
Goods are…
...things that are made to be sold
To be legitimate means to be…
...real, genuine, lawful
To check something means to…
...look at the details of something and make sure they are correct
Means the secret word or combination of a word and a numer known only to a user which is used to confirm their identity and which gives access to the service
Online service
Means the system that allows customers to give instructions about their bank account using their computer
Means you, the client, the person who holds the account with the bank
Means any other person you may have given permission to use the service
Means the organisation registered as 'The Royal Chatsworth Bank'
Zastosować się
To hold an account with a bank
Posiadanie konta w banku
To render something invalid
Aby uczynić coś nieważnym
To take steps to do something
Podjąć kroki, aby coś zrobić
A combination of two or more things
Połączenie dwóch lub więcej rzeczy
Information that is known to a person
Informacje znane danej osobie
To be registered as a particular company name
Aby zarejestrować się pod konkretną nazwą firmy
To behave in accordance with something
Zachowywać się zgodnie z czymś
To be authorised by someone to do something
Być upoważnionym przez kogoś do zrobienia czegoś
To be liable for something
Być za coś odpowiedzialnym
Under the circumstances
W tych okolicznościach
To attribute something to someone
Przypisać coś komuś
Interest accrues on a debt or loan
Odsetki naliczane są od długu lub pożyczki
Last changeda year ago