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Introduce Topic and Purpose
The topic I want to talk about today is
I am going to focus on…
Today I am going to outline and discuss…
By the end of this presentation, I hope that…
My main goal today is to…
Today I want to explain…
State your agenda
I am going to ….. Then I am going to …… Finally….
I am going to start by looking at ….. Thaen, I will move on to….. To finisch, I will talkn to you about….
My presentation is divided into three parts: First…..,Second….., Third….
Express ideas or opinions
I think…
I would say that…
In my view…..
If you ask me….
It seems to me that…..
In my opinion….
Link to earlier point
As I saidd earlier…
Like I said before….
You mentioned befor that….
REmember that earlier we talked about ….., and that relates to the topic at hand in that…
To refer back to….
create interest
One thing you might not know about …… is that
Did you know that….?
Have you ever thought about why….?
Have you ever heard of….?
Start a new section
Let us move on to…
The next thing I want to talk about is….
Let us turn to…
Now that we have talked about …. let us look at…
My next point is…..
Give an Example
For example…
Take the….
For instance…
One example of … is ….
Talk about Something off topic
I would like to digress and talk about…
I am going off on a tangent here…
Get back on topic
Let us get back to the topic at hand.
Ok. back to…
Ok, so we were talking about….
Rephrase or clarify
By that I mean…
In other words….
What I mean is….
Let me put this a different way….
To put it simply….
continue or add
As I am sure you know…
Of course…
As you already know….
In conclusion, we looking at…
Letś wrap up…
Let´s recap…
I would like to conclude by reviewing…
Thank you for listening
I am happy to answer any questions you may have.
Thanks for your attention.
Do you have any questions?
Logical connectors
Even though
I order to
As a result
As long as
On the other hand
Logic connectors 2
Even if
Depite the fact that
Due to
By the time
In spite of the fact that
In contrast
In cas
Last changeda year ago