Mr Kohler i will now have to caution you as a witness on the … which happened a couple of minutes ago
The person who is being charged with is Mr Stettner.
First give me your personal data completely and correctly
Are you related or related by marriage to the offender.
If yes, you have the right to refuse to make a statement on the matter.
i also caution you, that you have the right to refuse any statements that would lead to prosecution against you or any related of yours.
Furthermore I have to tel, that you are obliged to tell the truth and that a wrong and incorrect statement can lead to prosecution against you.
If necessary you can also request an interpreter to be consulted for this questioning
And you also have the right to consult a lawyer.
Did you understand this
Belehrung einer Ordnungswidrigkeit
Mr Kohler, you …., this is an offence according to the German law.
Therefore I have to file a charge against you.
You are free to make a statement on the matter or not.
And do you want to say anything on the matter
Verwarnung bei einer OWI
Mr Kohler, you have …
This is an offence according to German law.
Therfor I have to impose a warningfine of 20€
You have the right, to refuse to accept this fine, but in this case I will have to file a charge against you
Do you agree with the warning fine
Mr / Mrs... (Name des Beschuldisten), you are charged with having
committed .... (Tatvorwurf) according to ... (Gesetz oder pauschal: German law") this is an offence.
You are free to make a statement on the matter or not
but you are obliged to give me your personal data completely and correctly.
If you don't do so you commit another punishable offence.
You can also consult a lawyer of your choice at any time even before we start with the questioning / interrogation.
If necessary a public defender will be assigned to you by court decision already during the investigation. (1)
You can request certain evidence to be raised for your discharge.
also inform you that there is the possibility of a victim-offender mediation according to the German Penal Code. (2)
You have the right to consult your consulate or embassy. (3)
You also have the right to request an interpreter to be consulted for this questioning.
Did you understand this?
Are you going to testify / make a statement now?
Vorläufige Festnahme
Mr / Mrs.. (Name), you are under arrest for the time being, because you are suspected of ... (Tatvorwurf).
This is a criminal offence / crime according to the German Criminal Code.
We will take you with us to the police station to check if an arrest order / warrant will be pronounced against you.
You will be presented to the court without delay (on the following day of your arrest the latest).
The judge will have to question you and decide on your further arrest.
If the court orders a further detention, you can file a complaint against that decision and demand a revision of this decision.
You are free to make statements on the matter or not.
You can consult a lawyer of your choice at any time on your own expense).
We can help you with getting in contact with a lawyer. If necessary the court may assign a public defender for you.
You or your defence lawyer will have access to judicial files.
You can demand to be examined by a doctor of your choice (on your own expense).
Mr / MrS... (Name), we wil search now, because / for...
Grund der Durchsuchung, to establish your identity, for our our safety, for further evidence).
If you resist or try to flee, we will use force. woe this if you resist, you commit (another) offence.
Do you carry any dangerous objects, like knives, needles, weapons on you?
Now, step to the wall, spread your arms and put them on the wall, step back and spread your legs too.
Belehrung beim Verhafteten
Mr. / Mrs... (Name), an arrest order/warrant has been pronounced against you by the .. (Gericht, z.B.: "court in Traunstein") because you committed ... (Tat).
You are hereby under arrest.
(evtl.: You'll get a copy of the arrest warrant at our police station.)
You are to be presented to the court without delay (on the following day of your arrest the latest) and a judge will decide on your further
If the court orders the continuation of your arrest you can file a complaint against that decision and request a revision of this decision.
You can consult a lawyer of your choice at any time (on your own expense).
We can assist you in getting in contact with a lawyer. If necessary the court may assign a public defender for you.
You or your defence lawyer have the right to access the investigation files.
Sicherheitsleistung Belehrung
Mr / Mrs... (Name), you are charged with having (committed)
This is an offence according to German law and I therefore have to file a charge against you, which means that you will have to pay a
As you don't have a steady residence in Germany you will have to deposit a security / leave a security deposit / deposit a bail of.
The security deposit / security / bail consists of the expected fixed penalty fine plus some administrative costs and fees.
You also will have to name a service agent resident here in Germany.
The German authorities do not send any mail to foreign countries.
Therefore you have to authorize a person who lives here in Germany to accept mail on your behalf / in your name.
The fixed penalty notice (oder: the court order) or other mail will then be sent to this person's address and they will then pass it on to your home address.
It can be a friend of yours or just somebody you know and whom you trust or for instance a lawyer. If you don't know anybody, there is a police officer at our police station who deals with that sort of things.
Last changeda year ago