Undirected Graphs
Edges have no orientation (order not important)
Adjacency Matrix is symmetric
Degree & Total number of Edges:
Directed Graphs
Each edge has an origin and a destination
In degree ki in
Out degree ki out
ki = sum of ki in + sum of ki out
average in-degree & average out degree is equal
Asymmetric adjacency matrix
Undirected/Directed graphs where edges can occure more than once
Adjacency Matrix
if two vertices are joined by an edge, they are adjacent = neighbors
direction from the ehdes run from second to first index
degree k can be obtained from the adjacency matrix
weigthed graphs
each edge has an additional numerical value
complete graphs
graph where each edge is between a pair of vertices
Complete Undirected Graph
Number of edges of a complete undirected graph with N vertices:
complete directed graph
Number od edges of a complete directed graph with N vertices:
For undirected graphs:
for directed:
Paths and distances
path: sequence of nodes where each pair od nodes is connected by an edge
distance: the distance between to vertices in a graph is defined as the length of the shortest path between the,
Average Distance and diameter
Average distance: mean of fionite dinstances between all pairs of vertices
diameter: longest distance (longest shortest path) between any pair of vertoces which have a path
A path with at least three edges is a cycle if the first and last edge are the same but otherwise all vertices are distinct
eulerian path
when each edge is traversed once in a path
Last changeda year ago