Explain the term ‘isomer’! What types of isomerism are known? Derive a scheme for all types of isomerism. Provide examples (molecules or pairs of molecules) for the different types of isomerism!
Explain the two possible chemical routes for isomerization between aldoses and ketoses! Name one example each for an aldose-ketose isomerase using this mechanism! Name experimental strategies to distinguish between the two alternative mechanisms for a given isomerase! Which enzymatic reaction steps are particularly difficult to catalyze?
Name three different enzymatic reaction mechanisms used by racemases! Name one example each and name commonalities and differences between the three mechanisms?
Describe briefly the mechanism of phosphomutases!
Explain two different mechanisms of epimerases acting on sugar substrates!
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Radical isomerases: name the two radical initiators cofactors including the mechanism of radical formation! Name one enzyme for each cofactor!
Last changed7 months ago