Standardmodell der Konsolidierung (Squire und Alvarez)
-> jede Episode eigene Gedächnisspur
Complementary learning systems theorie (McClelland, McNaughton, O`Reilly)
-> mathematische darstellung des Standardmodells, kann so vorhersagen machen
Multiple-Trace-Theorie (Nadel, Moscovitch)
Welche vorhersagen machen standardmodell vs MTT bzgl. Semantischer vs episodischer Erinnerungen über die zeit?
Serial-Parallel-Independent (SPI) Modell
Schema-basiertes Lernen
-> SLIMM Modell, neue inhalte direkt über PFC in Neorcorticale netzwerke intrigriert, ohne das langsame über HP konsolidierung -> dies aber nur wenns auf vorwissen basiert ist, schemakongruenten -> patient HM -> lernen solange es an prämorbides Vorwissen angeknüpft ist
Recognition memory for one-trial-unitized word pairs: Evidence from event-related potentials
Regine Bader, Axel Mecklinger, Michael Hoppstädter, Patric Meyer
study on the electrophysiological (ERPs) correlates of retrieval of word pairs after two different encoding conditions.
The researchers presented semantically unrelated word pairs as separate lexical units in a sentence frame (non-unitized word pairs) or together with a definition that allows to combine word pairs to a new concept (unitized word pairs).
At test, participants discriminated between word pairs that appeared in the same pairing during study, recombined, or new pairs.
An early old/new effect with a parietal maximum was found for unitized word pairs while a qualitatively different late old/new effect was elicited by non-unitized word pairs.
These findings suggest that one-trial-unitized word pairs are recognized differently from non-unitized word pairs. The authors discuss the possibility that unitization leads to the engagement of specific forms of familiarity—conceptual fluency and absolute familiarity.
What is language
-> a symbolic system used to communicate concrete or abstract meanings, irrespective of the sensory modality employed or the particular means of expression
-> includes spoken and heard language, language communicated in written form and sign language
-> includes vocabulary, grammar and rules of syntax
Speech is top down process, auditory process is bottom-up
Source-filter model of speech
interpretation of speech sounds
Cohort model
Words are stored in semantic memory
McGurk effect
What we see influences what we hear
Acquiring speech and language
shaping of phonemes and phones
crtital period: until age 7
Mechanisms of language learning
exposure and practice, repeated activation of the relevant neural circuits
fast mapping, fitting a new word into an existing schema of language associations
-> Adults have a strong tendency to group speech sounds, similar effects from infants -> categorical speech perception
Case of genie
neural basis of language
Brocas area
Wernicks area
The Wernick-Geschwind model
Temporo-frontal network
Bottom-up, input-driven processes
Top-down, controlled and predictive processes
Lateralization of language
Last changeda year ago