
Lecture 12 - Income Inequality

by Linus K.

Effect of income inequality on growth (Four possible channels)

(Through factor efficiency)

3.Income redistribution through taxation (-)

Lump-sum transfer

Desired tax rates for different pretax income levels

Desired tax rate & pretax income graph

How an increase in income inequality affects the desired tax rate:

Redistribution of income through taxation has two effects:

  1. Lowers inequality through the transfer of income from the richer to the poorer workers

  2. Lowers efficiency through disincentivizing work introduces inefficiencies (workers work less hours or evade taxes)

Consider a simple tax scheme: lump-sum transfer

-the government taxes all workers at the same rate

-the total collected revenue is paid back to workers in equal amounts

Desired tax rates for different pretax incomes:

  1. Worker with pretax income above the mean level: worse off by redistribution

– lump-sum transfer lower than tax

– reduction in economic efficiency lowers the worker’s pretax income

  1. Worker with pretax income equal to the mean: worse off by redistribution

-0 transfer equal to tax

– reduction in economic efficiency lowers the worker’s pretax income

  1. Worker with pre-tax income below the mean: trade-off

+ lump-sum transfer higher than tax

– reduction in economic efficiency lowers the worker’s pretax income (the farther below the mean the pretax income, the lower the reduction in pre-tax income, and the higher the desired tax rate)

Desired tax rate & pretax income graph:

How an increase in income inequality affects the desired tax rate:

If a country is more unequal, the median income is much lower than the mean income. The tax rate that is favored by a person with median income increases.

-> The country would have a higher tax rate and higher inefficiency


Linus K.


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