induced by infection, tissue injury & tissue stress, and malfunction
physiological purpose: host defense against infection, tissue repair response & adaption to stress & restoration of a homeostatic state
small proteins normally helping to stimulate & regulate the immune system & control inflammation (interleukins, chemokines, TNF, interferon=
coordinate by recruiting specific cells or by inhibiting their functions by regulating cell proliferation & differentiation, by activating or inhibiting the expression of certain genes
dual-edged sword: required for proper immune system function but in mild to moderate excess they can cause or exacerbate disease
Inflammation process
acute inflammation
actions of cytokines
pro-inflammatory: from M1-macrophages secreting TNFα, IL-1—>matrix degradation, tissue destruction
anti-inflammatory: from M2-macrophages secreting IL-10 —> angiogenesis, matrix synthesis, tissue remodeling (reparation afterward)
suppressor of cytokine signaling after activation of a receptor
cytokine receptor family: interleukin type I & II, TNFR, Ig family
activation of JAK/STAT, PI3K/AKT, MAPK and NFκB pathways activated
found in almost all animal cells
stimuli: stress, cytokines, free radicals, heavy metals, UV, oxidized LDL, and bacterial or viral antigens
gene induction: anti-apoptotic factors, cell cycle regulators, cytokines, chemokines, adhesion molecules
Pathological consequences of inflammation
if no counter-part / anti-inflammatory cytokines
autoimmunity, inflammatory tissue damage & sepsis
fibrosis, metaplasia and/or tumor growth
shift in homeostatic set points, development of diseases of homeostasis and/or autoinflammatory diseases
history of diabetes mellitus
old disease (<2000 before Christ in papyrus)
17th century: glucose in urine (sweet)
1909: insulin = hypoglycemic substance form the pancreas
1922: first injection of insulin in human
Diagnosis of diabetes mellitus
chronic hyperglycemia
fasting glycemia: glucose > 7mM in diabetes
post-prandial glycemia: glucose > 11.7 mM
oral glucose tolerance test
give 75 g of glucose & measure glycemia 2h after oral ingestion
if intolerant disturbed answer—>glycemia increases higher than normal (above 11 mM), can reach a normal low level in a pre-diabetic state
normal: increase for 1h, after 2 h back to normal
glycated hemoglobin
nonenzymatic glycation of hemoglobin
reflect glycemia stability during the past 2 months
4-6% normal
deactivation of some proteins
dosage of fasting insulin
insulin < 5uU/mL—>hypoinsulinemia (pancreas affected)
insulin > 20 uU/mL —>hyperinsulinemia (insulin resistance)
kidney reabsorption
in nephron (functional unit) of the glomerulus—>exchange blood
loop of Henle with a capillary network: collective tubes produce urine
proximal tubule: exchange with blood —>reabsoprtion of molecules
99% of the filtrate is reabsorbed by active or passive transport
1% (1-1.5L) in urine
normally no glucose & proteins in urine & excretion of urea
obligatory water reabsorption in the kidney
mainly in the proximal convoluted tube
consequence of Na+ reabsorption by active transport in the PCT (SGLT)
Na+ reabsorption induces hypertonicity —>water follows by osmosis
—>water follows sodium and glucose is co-transported
SGLT1&2: secondary active transport of glucose (Na+/K+ pump leads to indirect consumption of energy)
maximal reabsorption flux in the kidney
limited quantity of a substance that can be transported within a certain time due to a limited number of transporters
if glycemia is higher than 11.1 mM, Tm is exceeded and glucose that has not been reabsorbed is then found in urine —>glucosuria
statistics of diabetes mellitus
prediction of increasing incidence in South America, Africa & Asia
high number of co-morbidities (cardio-vascular complications, acute metabolic, macrovascular / microvascular, neuropathies)
high cost: due to chronicity —>treatment throughout the life
in developed countries first cause of blindness in adult, kidney failure & atraumatic lower limb amputation
Type 1 diabetes
insulin-dependent, juvenile or thin
destruction of pancreatic ß cells (auto-immunity < 40 years)—>lack of insulin
10-15% of diabetes
↓ energy storage = weight reduction
↑ plasma FFA & ketone bodies (acidosis)
↑ glycemia —>glycosuria or glucosuria —> ↑ osmolarity —> cell dehydration —> polyuria, thirst, weight loss
Type 2 diabetes
non-insulin-dependent, adult, fat
defect in insulin cell response or insulin resistance (IR + insulin defect, after 40 years)
most of the time lined to obesity (>80%)
85-90% diabetes
fortuitous discovery
often long period without symptoms (insulin resistance compensated long) with increased level of insulin secretion
often associated with overweight (80%)
often associated with arterial hypertension & excessive [FFA & TG] in the blood
diagnostic of exclusion
statistics T1D
high increase in northern countries
prevalence (total number of cases) & incidence (new number of cases per year) highest in europe
causes of T1D
genetic susceptibility: inherited susceptibility (polygenic disease) but only 15% of relatives develop also T1D
something must set off the immune system causing it to turn against itself and leading to the development of T1D
environmental factors: trigger autoimmune process, role of virus suspected (high prevalence of T1D during rubella)—>direct cytopathogenic effect of the virus on ß-cells & role of some food substances
infiltration of macrophages and T lymphocytes within the islets inducing the complete destruction of ß-cells
markers: auto-antibodies—>anti-islets & anti-insulin
evolution of ß-cell mass
decreases in type 1a before 25 years
in type 1b decrease at around 35 years (associated with other auto-immune pathologies)
need at some point injection of insulin to survive
heterogeneity of T1D
don’t know leading factor
interplay of genetics, environment, auto-antibodies
onset at different ages but same effect
diabetic ketoacidosis
life-threatening acute metabolic complication without injection of insulin (coma due to stress reaction)
increase of catecholamines & cortisol lead to infection & stress —> worsening of the process
AGE: advanced glycation end product
due to high glucose level non-enzymatic condensation reactions of glucose protein
formation & accumulation during normal aging and highly accelerated in T2D & Alzheimer's disease
statistic of T2D
high in North Africa/US, not too high in Europe
almost one in two adults with diabetes are unaware they have the condition
39% of the adult world population
has more than doubled since 1980
the first cause of the epidemic development of T2D
2 metabolic defects in T2D
2 early metabolic defects present many years before appearance of the disease symptoms:
Insulin resistance: diminution of insulin effects in its targeted tissues (muscles, AT, liver) compensated by increased secretion in the beginning
insulinopenia: diminution of the insulin secretion ability by the pancreatic ß-cells
causes of T2D
conjunction of numerous susceptibility genes whose expression depends on environmental factors (excessive consumption of saturated fat, sugar & sedentary life)—>polygenic disease
environmental factors: aging, stress, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, intrauterine environment, obesity (BMI>30)
epigenetic factors: induced by environment —>DNA methylation, histone modifications, microRNAs
monogenetic causes of T2D
mutations in insulin gene (very rare)
mutations in mitochondrial DNA (mitochondrial diabetes very rare)
genes of the Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY 1-5, MODY 2 50% of MODY mutations of the glucokinase gene) —>rare MODY = 5% of T2D
Pathophysiology of T2D
decreased insulin secretion & insulin resistance
leads to increased glucose hepatic production (fasting hyperglycemia) and decreased peripheral glucose consumption (muscle) post-prandial
—>hyperglycemia = diabetes
metabolic pathway in T2D
normally: ↑glucose—>↑ insulin —> ↑ storage of lipids & glucose & use of glucose inhibited, production of glucose
T2D: no increase in insulin & no inhibition of lipolysis —> ↑FFA in blood
liver: ↑ gluconeogenesis & de novo lipogenesis, decreased glycogen synthesis
everything pushed to increased glucose & FA in blood but inhibition of glucose use
insulin secretion defect
quantitative: less mature insulin secreted due to defective maturation and secretion of inactive pro-insulin
qualitative: disappearance of the first peak of insulin secretion (normally prepares organism to answer & biphasic secretion)
characteristics of ß-cells in insulin secretion defect
increased ß-cell replication (try to compensate insulin resistance & more ß-cell neogenesis)
decreased ß-cell size
increased ß-cell apoptosis (inflammatory defect)
decreased cell mass: due to increased apoptosis & not enough neogenesis
at some point, not enough insulin is produced to compensate for resistance
At the point of diagnosis already 70-90% of ß-cell mass lost
unfunctional glycoproteins
high level of FFA leads to decreased insulin secretion
decreased number of Langerhans islets by apoptosis
ER stress
constant demand for insulin leads to increased ER work and metabolic stress —>misfolding of proteins
amyloid plaque
amylin secreted together with insulin
can build fibers —> protein plaque disturbs cell function —>more rigid
chronic metabolic stress leads to changes in the ß-cell (decompensation)
dedifferentiation to empty cells—>total dedifferentiation & no insulin production
ß-cell to α-cell conversion: transformed α-cell produces glucagon
mechanisms of insulin resistance
defects of insulin receptor or its tyrosine kinase activity (PC-1 (inhibitor IR), TNF-ß, IRS-2)
↓ Glucose transporter (↓ number (reduced transcription) or translocation)
Phosphorylation of glucose (↓ HKII activity)
Synthesis of glycogen (↓ activity of glycogen synthetase & glucose uptake)
oxidation of glucose (inhibition by Randle’s effect)—>too many nutrients present in the blood
neoglucogenesis (activation of PEPCK, ↑ pyruvate)
adipose tissue (80% loss of GLUT4, lipolysis)
vascular endothelium (↓micro vascularization & blood flow)
anomalies of insulin secretion
Alteration of ß-cell—>↓glucose-induced insulin production —> increased glucose hepatic production —>hyperglycemia —>reinforces alteration of ß-cells
Insulin resistance
fasting hyperinsulinemia & hyperglycemia due to post-receptor anomalies leads to reduced insulin cell response —> ↓ glucose uptake —>reinforces hyperglycemia
phase of insulin resistance
defect in FFA storage by AT (loss of the ability to strongly suppress lipolysis + inadequate storage)—>increase in FAA
FFA mobilization leads to:
increased FFA oxidation & decreased glucose consumption in muscles (more lipids than normally stored, ectopic fat accumulation)
increased FFA oxidation & neoglucogenesis in the liver —>secretion insulin, VLDL-TG & glucose —>increased glycemia
stress receptor TLR4 stimulated by high level of FFA
production of JNK—>activates serine kinase—>phosphorylation of insulin receptor & IRS (inactivation)
alteration of FA oxidation: in the beginning lipids used to increase ß-oxidation, but with time mitochondria decrease ß-oxidation in obese patients
mitochondrial dysfunction: decreased number of mitochondria in muscle & decreased FA oxidation
ectopic storage in Diacylglycerol (instead of TG)
DAG activates PKC—>activation serine kinase —>phosphorylation IRS1 & other enzymes —>inhibits signaling (decreased glucose uptake & glycogen storage, increased gluconeogenesis)
accumulation of lipids in muscle & liver: not in AT —>increases insulin resistance
—>hypoinsulinemia: decreased insulin secretion
status of ß-cells at the stage of diagnosis
50% of ß-cell function is already lost
ß-cell function will continue to decline despite treatment
majority of patients will eventually require insulin therapy
need insulin resistance & exhaustion of ß-cells for diabetes
development of T2D
other pathologies with insulin resistance
cardiovascular disease
BMI > 30 kg/m^2
39% of adults in the world population, has doubled since 1980
lower prevalence in Africa
increased obesity with time & age
inversely proportional to the level of education & income
more men with overweight, more women with obesity
measurement of obesity
anthropometric: waist size, waist-hip ration
skin fold measurement: under scapular, abdominal, triceps skin fold
types of obesity
gynoid: below the waist (pear), not a cardiovascular risk
android: above the waist (apple), numerous metabolic disturbances
causes of obesity
genetic rare (adrenergic receptor, leptin receptor, uncoupling protein)
environmental: modifications of behavior (decrease of energy expenditure due to decreased physical activity in sedentary life & increased energy supply due to transformation of food habits)
induced by some drugs (antipsychotics, antidepressants, corticosteroids, ß-blockers, insulin)
pathophysiological mechanisms in obesity
desensitization (decreased insulin action)
leptin = adipostat (leptin resistance)
inflammation (increases insulin resistance)
homologous desensitization
negative feedback (mechanism of regulation induced by insulin)
receptor overstimulation leads to endocytosis & decreased activity
leptin resistance
adipocytes sense size & lipids stores & secrete leptin
binds receptor in the hypothalamus to reduce appetite, activation of hepatic fatty acid oxidation while reducing lipogenesis & increasing sympathic activity
PI3K neuromediator in the brain
stimulation of anorexigenic signals (decrease appetite & increased energy expenditure & thermogenesis)
resistance due to problem of crossing the blood-brain barrier, loss of receptor activity & rarely mutations in the receptor
overstimulation of leptin receptor leads to overproduction of SOCS3
adipocytes continues to expand & store lipids after leptin resistance
release of chemkines like MCP1 —>recuritment of M1-polarized pro-inflammatory macrophages to AT—>secretion TNFα & IL6
toll receptors acitvated in response to local increases in FFA
inititation of MAPK pathway —>increases lipolysis & desenitizes insulin action
cell hypertrophy mechanical stress for surrounding cells—>macrophages infiltrate—>alteration of secretion—>pathological consequences / insulin resistance
hypoxia: hypertrophy changes O2 gradient & Hypoxia inducible factor 1 leads to release of MCP-1 —>attraction of macrophages
ER stress/UPR activation: unfolded protein response when chaperones not sufficient to ensure correct folding (normally stress sensor inactivated by chaperones)—>if not induction of gene transcription & NFκB signaling
intestinal microbiota:modification of the intestinal flora after high fat diet & associated mechanisms induce inflammation, diabetes & obesity—>theory of lipopolysaccharides (increased leak)
serine kinase phosphorylates receptor & IRS-1 —>inhibits insulin signaling—>resistance
counter-inflammation response
anti-inflammatory role of IKKε & TBK1
but inflammation sustained and low grade (avoid apoptosis)
effects of obesity
metabolic disorder: increased lipolysis & accumulation of FA
cytokine & inflammation sustained
would have positive action on metabolism
but downregulated
Complications due to obesity
coma by acidoketosis/hyperosmolar
neuropathy & nephropathy
retinopathy (blindness without treatment)
but mainly cardiovascular complications
fatty liver
non alcoholic fatty liver disease prevalent in 10-33% worldwide
linked to insulin resistance, T2D & obesity (high prevalence in obese & diabetic patients)
have high prevalence of hypertension, dyslipidemia & hypercholesterolemia
new name: metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease
fatty liver—>more than 5% of liver tissue occupied by lipids
Non alcoholic steato-hepatitis
inflammatory state—>defective function of the liver
cirrhosis (dysfunctional liver)
hepatocellular carcinoma
—>total dysfunctioning, need graft
Evolution of coronary atherosclerosis
vascular disease main reason of death
stable plaque: limits size of the vessel but no symptoms
fibrotic plaque: total closing of vessel, no blood flow /heart stops
ruptured plaque: develops inside the tissue (not visible with normal examination), rupture at some point, enters circulation & blocks vessel
Atherosclerotic plaque formation
inflammatory porcess due to excess of lipids in the blood (LDL) stresses endothelial cells—>enter intima—>oxidation LDL
recruition of macrophages—>secretion TNFα
phagocytosis of oxidized LDL
foam cells (macrophages full of lipids created)—>apoptosis
formation of necrotic core with many lipids that is stabillized by secretion of fibrin
at some point rupture—>contact of blood & insed of intima leads to formation of a thrombus & clotting of the vessel
Consequences of Atherosclerosis
coronarly diseases
heart attack
arteritis of lowe limbs
verebrovascular diseases
latent autoimmune diabetes in human
thought that T1D&T2D possess unique etiologies, disease courses & treatment approaches
but overlap (T1D also possible at later age & T2D at early age)
intermediary type
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