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Genetically based decision rule. Can be conditional.
E.g. two possible ractics can be part of one strategy
Behaviour pattern played as part of a (conditional) strategy.
Different tactics -> different payoffs (e.g. caller/satellite, sneak/ guard)
E.g. rule: become satellite if call of caller is twice as loud as yours
Evolutionary stable strategy (ESS)
If adopted by all members of population -> cannot be bettered
Best for group but not necessarily for each individual.
E.g. hawk/ dove -> stable equilibrium (frequency dependency)
Best strategy depends on what everybody else is doing
Exploitation competition
Ideal free distribution: the more are feeding in one patch, the faster the food is depleted
Until the average reward in the rich habitat equals the max reward in the poor habitat, if 1st one there.
Best decision depends on the decision of competitors.
Resource Defense
Despotic distribution
Saturation of habitat: individual would do better in rich habitat but has to move.
Costs (energy, injury) and benefits (priority of access) of resource Defense.
Territory Defense evolved when benefits outweigh the costs. B-C
Shared resource Defense e.g. satellite,
Alternative strategy
Genetic basis
On average, equal success to persist in population
E.g. rock-paper-scissor lizard
Last changeda year ago