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Garbage boy
Garbage also means
The gall
To describe someone's excess of confidence in doing something that is innappropriate or disrespectful ( the person is acting with complete lack of shame )
Very large or important
Drawing and quartering
Refers to a cruel form of executing ( killing ) people from medieval times
To draw
To pull or to drag
To quarter
To cut something in four pieces
On your side
It means that they support or agree with you
To describe someone who talks too much often in a way that is annoying or not very interesting
You believe that person is behaving in a way that can't be trusted and that they don't want to be seen by others
If the person is trying to achive or do more than is resonable or achievable ,usually to gain more power , control or success than they are entitled to or capable of
Means that the person is behaving in a dishonest or sneaky way and its perhaps even trying to harm others for their own benefits
To trap something
To catch it using an object or a strategy preventing it from escaping
Closes down
It is forced to stop operating , often permanently
Means how person or place is viewed by others usually based on their actions , behavior and character
Hanging by a thread
Very little kepping it attached to the whole
Hang in there
To keep going despite difficulties or challenges it's a way of telling someone to hold on , stay strong and keep trying
Dispose of
To get ride of something usually by throwing it away or selling it
Happens automatically without choosing or deciding to do it
Accidental success
Means to achiving something good or positive without planning or Intending to do so
Boy / girl
If you refer to an adult male or female as a boy or a girl it can be insulting because it suggests that they are childish or inferior and therefore less deserving of respect and dignity
Its lack purpose , meaning or significance make no sense
To wish good health to someone who sneezed
To deal cards
Involve shuffil8ng the deck of cards and then giving out a spacific number of cards to each player in a game
To make a deal
To come to an agreement with someone else about something usually involve a trade or exchange of goods or services
Huge deal
Important situation
Here's the deal
Let me explain the stuation or le5 me told you what is going on
Gallivanting or to gallivante
To go around to different places looking for amusemnt or entertainment
A bag with long strap usually made from leather or cloth and its commenly used to carry books
Get out of someone's hair
Means to stop bothering them , to leave them be
Last changeda year ago