fruncir el ceño
to frown
You really resemble your father when you frown like that
2 usos del verbo appeal
appeal for: solicitar, reclamar, apelar
The police is appealing ofr witnesses to the attack
appeal: gustar, atraer
The idea of going to a Greek island really appeals to me
the government
the population
the staff
the police
Palabras que suelen usarse en plural
The staff are/is unhappy - The government is/are doing nothing - the population is/are revolting, etc. - depending upon whether the noun is viewed as a single whole or a composition of individuals.
El caso de “police” SIEMPRE es plural para referirse a la brigada. Si es una persona singular sería “policeman o police officer”
Domar, domesticar, hacer habitable
The incident served as a timely reminder of how dangerous our environment can be
Enmienda, corrección
Desatar, begin something powerful
The company is intended to unleash more sophisticated financial products in Japan
Avaro, codicioso
Last changeda year ago