What are the divers for an IoT Architecture?
constrained devices
security constrained communication
legacy device support
What is different to traditional IT architecture?
What are the challenges for IoT and how do they influnce this architecture?
What are examples for each of these drivers?
Scale IT vs IoT
IT: several thousand devices
IoT: few thousand to few million devices
constrained devices and networks IT vs IoT
IT: powerfull devices and networks
IoT: limited devices and lossy networks with low data rates
data IT vs IoT
huge amount of data in IoT
core functionalty of IoT
Security IT vs IoT
IT: protected by firewalls and physical secure
IoT: wirelessly connected and easily accessable
ISM spectrum
Industrial, Science and Medical used spectrum of unlicensed spectrum
legacy device support IT vs IoT
IT: upgrade or access denied
IoT: long lifetime of devices therefore legacy protocols and interfaces
Standardized IoT Architectures
oneM2M IoT
launched 2008
IoT World Forum
launched 2014
Who defines the OneM2M architecture?
telco standardisation organisations
What are the domains and layers of this architecture?
Application layer: industry specific
Service layer: horizontal framework including hardware and physical network
Network layer: devices, communication liks and gateways
Horizontal framework and Restfull APIs allow applications to interface with the IoT devices
What is different to the IoT architecture of the IoTWF?
Who defines the IoTWF architecture?
companies like
Rockwell Automation
What are the layers of this architecture?
7 layers
Physical devices and controllers: things
Connectivity: reliable and timely transmission of data
Edge Computing: fog layer, first step to work with data, mostly reduce data flow
Data Accumulation: captures data and stores it so it is usable by applications, converts eventbased to query based
data abstraction layer: reconciliation of multiple data formats to complete data sets
application layer: interprets data, may monitor, control and provide reports
collaboration and process layer: delivers benefits of IoT
1-4 are domain of the OT
4-7 are IT
Explain the Core IoT Functional Stack of the Simplified IoTArchitecture
What are the main layers of the simplifyed architecture?
seperates core IoT and data managment into parallel aligned stacks
core IoT functional stack constists of things, communication network and application
because analytics and apllication do not only exist in the cloud but are deployed thoughout the archtecture
Outline the expanded view of the Functional Stack
each layer can be broken down further
communications layer:
access network:
gateways and backhaul: Ethernet, WiFi (2.4, 5 or sub 1GHz), WiMax, Cellular
network transport: mostly open protocols to be able to scale and have security
operations and managment sublayers: CoAP (similar to Http but not as fat), MQTT (open protocol for M2M uses broker based architecture)
applications layer:
vertical specific apps: controls behaviour of things
analytics: collects and processes data, displays information
Give examples of what can be found in each layer of the expandedview of the simplyfied architecture.
layer 1: things, self contained or interacting with an external system
low or high power, mobile or static, low or high data generation, simple or rich data, report range, density per cell
layer 2: wifi, lora, routers, IP, UDP, TCP
Selection Criteria for access technology
Requirements for mobility and data transmission
Formfactor and capabilities of the device
Range between device and collector
Quantity of objects inside
point-to-point: one deivce can only talk to one gateway, in IoT context mostly means that each device has established connection with gateway
point-to-multipoint: one device can talk to multipe, one gateway talks to more than one thing, nodes may have different functionalties (thing can only send, gateway can accumulate and forward)
(clustered) star topology: needed when not all devices implement the full protocol stack and therefor can not form a peer-to-peer network. Each thing can only communicate with full stack device and not with each other. Clustered star have some full stack devices connected to each other, otherwise it is just a full funcitional device in the center.
mesh: more than one path between nodes, fault resistance, but higher energy consumtion.
An MQTT system consists of clients communicating with a server, often called a "broker". A client maybe either a publisher of information or a subscriber. Each client can connect to the broker.Information is organized in a hierarchy of topics. When a publisher has a new item of data todistribute, it sends a control message with the data to the connected broker. The broker thendistributes the information to any clients that have subscribed to that topic. The publisher does notneed to have any data on the number or locations of subscribers, and subscribers in turn do not haveto be configured with any data about the publishers.
Data vs Netowork analytics
data analytics:
process data collected by smart objects
provide view releated to IoT systems
value of IoT
network analytics:
fault/event managements
performance management
detailed analysis about network performance
Explain the Data Management and Compute Stack of the SimplifiedIoT Architecture
this stack contains of the cloud, fog and edge
cloud beeing the same as the cloud in traditional computing,fog being a middle layer between edge (the device) and cloud, this may be a router or some dedicated near by device to handle some of the data and logic to have a lower latency and edge beeing the device itself.
What are the main layers of this architecture?
cloud, fog and edge
What is different to the traditional IT Cloud Computing Model??
data management in traditional IT systems is very simple
Endpoints communicate with a server other IP
the links to the servers typically have a high enough bandwith to answer the requets they get from clients.
Why do we need Fog and Edge Computing?
minimises latency, conserves network bandwith
backhaul from gateway can be unreliable
faster responses to data with fog as nearer to the device
Fog function
reevaluate and reformat data for higher levels
filter data and reduce traffic
asses data for laters and fast responses
Last changeda year ago