ehlers danlos syndrome
defects in collagen synthesis
tissues rich in collagen -> skin ligaments joints (very strechy people)
poor wound healing
familial hypercholesterolmia
most common AD disease
It is caused by a loss-of- function mutation in the gene encoding the receptor for LDL
“receptor disease”
LDLs transport app 70% of the total blood cholesterol
1/3 of LDL+cholesterol is uptaken by scavenger receptor and metabolised in
=> main complication artherosclerosis
STATIN (drug)
inhibit activity of HMG-CoA reductase -> promote synthesis of LDL receptors
Cystic fibrosis
most common letheal AR disease
• People with cystic fibrosis inherit a defective gene called CFTR – cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator – chloride channel.
• Mutation causes the deletion of 3 bases in DNA resulting in phenylalanine not being coded for
-> misfolded protein disease
primary affects lungs GI system and exocrine glands
Caused by mutation in PAH gene codes for phenylalanine hydroxylase enzyme PAH
PHE accumulates in blood and brain => mental retardation
need special diet
PKU symptoms
jerking movements
unusual hand posturing
mousy body odor
Trisomy 21
Mental retardation
Unique facial features
Eye abnormalities
Gaping mouth and large tongue
Heart diseases ! -> mortality
Intestinal defects
Hand abnormalities
Abnormalities of toes
kidney deformaties
prone to leukemia and alzheimer
consequence of maternal nondisjunction during meiotic division or robinson translocation
turner syndrome
only one X
Short stature
Heart-shaped face
Broad chest
Streakovaries, hypoplastic uterus, amenorrhea
no estrogen -> infertile
upper body more developed than lower
Tall, long arms and legs
Lack of beard, body hair, pubic hair
Femalelike hips
Testicular atrophy, infertility
IQ tends to be lower
high waist
Fragile X syndrome
most common mental retardation form in men
• is a form of mental retardation linked to the gene called FMR-1 gene
The FMR-1 gene makes a protein needed for normal brain development
doesnt follow mendelaian genetics
primary errors of morphogenesis
secundary destruction of an organ or body region
an extrinsic disturbances of development (amniotic fluid)
multiple congenital anomalies that
result from secondary effect of a single localised aberration in organogenesis
malformation syndrome
presence of several defects that cannot be explained on the basis of a single localizing error in morphogenesis
exogenous teratogens
agents taht cause fetal abnormalities
Physical teratogens—x-rays, corpuscular radiation
• Chemical teratogens—industrial chemicals, drugs, alcohol
• Microbial teratogens—viruses, bacteria, protozoal parasites
retinol acid embryopathy
• Retinoil (vitamin A) is essential for normal development and differentiation
• Excessive exposure to retinoic acid is also teratogenic (CNS, cardiac and craniofacial
defects- cleft lip and palate – TGF-ß signaling pathway)
TORCH syndrome
• Toxoplasma
• Others (EBV, Listeria; Leptospira)
• Rubella
• Cytomegalovirus
• Herpesvirus
• Immature pneumocytes type II cannot secrete surfactant rich in lecithin
• Lecithinkeepsthe pulmonary alveoli open and prevents their collapse
necrotizing enterocolitis NEC
Most common in very-low-birth-weight infants (<1500 gm)
Associated with enteral feeding
Infection ???
Any part of intestine
Friable, congested, gangrenous, perforation with peritonitis
High perinatal moratality
• Most common cause of death in infants beyond the immediate neonatal period
CAUSE NOT KNOWN -> baby completely healthy
hydrops fetalis
Accumulation of edema fluid in the fetus during intrauterine growth
• Immune hydrops: blood incompatibility beteen mother and fetus (Rh or ABO) –hemolytic anemia
• Nonimmune hydrops: cardiovascular, fetal anemias other than Rh or ABO, transplacental infection, Turner syndrome, trisomy 21, tumors, metabolic disorders, ...
fetal erythroblastosis
Type of sensibilization: • Pregnancy • Blood transfusion
• Antibody-induced hemolytic disease in the newborn
• Th: anti-D-Ig
parental diagnosis:
• Chordocentesis
• Chorionic villous sampling – CVS
• Screening tests - maternal blood analysis (Early combined screen marker test )
Blood vessels and spaces lined by endothelial cells, celullar
The most common neoplasm of infancy
Spontaneously regress/ may enlarge
von Hippel-Lindau syndrome
small blue cells (highly malignant)
Tumors of sympathetic ganglia and adrenal
Derived from primordial neural crest cells
Spontaneous regresson and/or therapy-induced regression and maturation.
Variable clinical course and prognosis
Secrete catecholamines, whose metabolites (VMA/HVA) can be used for screening patients
morphology of neuroblastoma
40% arise in the adrenal medulla
Minute in situ lesion - large tumor mass big
Fibrous pseudocapsula
Infiltrative and invasive
Soft, gray-tan, brainlike
Necrosis, hemorrhage, cystic softening
histology of neuroblastoma
• Small, round, blue cells
Dark nuclei, scant cytoplasm with poorly defined borders
Background: eosinophilic fibrillary material –neuropil – neuritic processes of the primitive neuroblasts
Nephroblastoma - wilmstumor
• The most commom primary tumor of the kidney in children; 2 – 5 years of age
• Sporadic or Syndromic
morphology of wilms tumor
Large, solitary, well- circumscribed mass
Soft, homegeneous, grey, foci of hemorrhage and necrosis
Biletaral / multicentric
85% treatment success
Marfans syndrome
gene that encodes for glycoprotein fibrillin-1
Elongated head
Aortic aneurysm with dissection and exsanguination
-> a lot of connective tissue supporting aorta
Floppy mitral valve
Vertebral deformity
Longfingers (arachnodactyly)
Last changeda year ago