Liquefactive necrosis brain
Fat necrosis of pancreas
Amyloidosis of the kidney He
Amyloidosis of glomeruli of kidney congo red
Brown induration of lung
Coagulative necrosis of the heart
Intradermal pigmented nevus
Anthracosis of the lung
Steatosis of liver
Chronic congestion of liver
Pulmonary edema
Organizing and recanalizing thrombus
Mixed thrombus
Haemorrhagic pulmonary infarction
Focal serous pneumonia
Lobar fibrinous pneumonia
Purulent nephritis
Fibrinous pericarditis
Granulation tissue
Foreign body granuloma
Myocardial scar van gieson
Tuberculous granuloma
Sarcoidosis of lymphnode
Allergic nasal polyp
Ischemic renal infarction
Fibrinoid necrosis in peptic ulcer of stomach
Hyperplasia of endometrial mucosa
Hypertrophy of heart
Hyaline changes in corpus albicans of the ovary
Icterus of the liver
Myocardial scar HE
Last changed8 months ago