Give examples for droplet dynamic processes in nature.
weather (clouds, rainbows, hail, fog)
soil erosion
waves, sea spray
water repellent surfaces
volcanic activity (viscous drops)
Give examples for droplet dynamic processes in technology.
• medical devices, e.g. inhalers, infusion
• pharmaceutics, e.g. medication in pill form (coating drops with solid particles)
• food processing industry, e.g. powder generation (spray drying, spray freeze drying)
• agriculture, e.g. irrigation of crops or use of plant protective agents
• combustion engines (fuel injection), e.g. cars, space crafts
• power generation, e.g. high fogging in gas turbines
• fire extinction, e.g. sprinklers, Aqueous Film Forming Foams (AFFF)
• printing, e.g. on paper, 3D-printing or printing of micro-electronics
• coating/spray painting
• icing on plane wings
• liquid-repellent surface (hydrophobic, olio-phobic, omni-phobic)
Give examples for droplet dynamic processes in every day live.
atomizers, e.g. deodorant spray, perfumes, hairspray
coffee stains
Leidenfrost effect on hot surfaces
water repellent surfaces, e.g. clothing, mobile phone displays
misty mirrors or glasses
tears of wine
Into which interaction types can droplet dynamic processes be divided?
Liquid - Solid interaction
Liquid - Gas interaction
Liquid - Liquid interaction
Liquid - Light Beam interaction
Name (three) different droplet dynamic systems.
single droplet
droplet chains/arrays
liquid jets
liquid strands
liquid films
Name measurement quantities for single droplets.
inner circulation
fluid properties
temperature distribution
concentration of the ingredients and their distribution in the drop
Surrounding medium:
velocity field
level of turbulence
temperature field
concentration of the ingredients
Solid surface
contact angle
surface roughness / structure
heat capacity / thermal conductivity
What types of measurement quantities do you know?
• geometric quantities
• fluid properties
• temperature - heat transfer
• velocities / flow field
What is surface tension?
Molecular dynamic approach:
Within liquid phase intermolecular attractions pull equaly in every direction. On the surface intermolecular attractions pull only in the direction of the liquid.
Mechanical approach - Capillary Force:
Surface tension as a force per unit length, directed towards the liquid: 𝝈 = 𝑭/𝟐L
Mechanical approach - Surface Energy:
𝝈 = 𝒅𝑾/𝒅𝑨 is energy that must be supplied to increase the surface area by one unit
Explain interfacial tension using the molecular dynamic approach.
Explain interfacial tension using the Laplace pressure.
Last changed8 months ago