T1 Describe the difference between the Δ and ω nomenclature of fatty acids.
from carboxyl group
position of all double bonds is given
from methyl end
only position of first double bond is given
T1 Describe the two different ways to classify lipids.
by head group
phospholipids: head group with phosphate
glycolipids: sugar head group
sterols: steran
by backbone
glycerolipids: glycerol
sphingolipids: sphingosine
T1 Name three functions of lipid molecules to regulate the biophysical properties of membranes.
fluidity: double bonds, methyl groups
thickness: length of FAs -> influence on conductance
curvature: ratio of head group and FAs -> different for vesicles and membranes
surface charge: different head groups
T1 Plants harbor a huge number of different fatty acids. Name three examples of unusual fatty acids and explain how they are synthesized.
erucic acid 22:1 Δ13
18:0 (stearic acid) produced in plastid
18:1 (oleic acid) desaturated in plastid
two rounds of elongation in ER (?)
ricinolic acid 12-OH-18:1 Δ9
oleate 12 hydroxylase introduces hydroxy group (where?)
vernolic acid 12,13-epoxy-18:1 Δ9
Δ12 epoxygenase introduces epoxy group (where?)
T1 Describe the difference between the prokaryotic and the eukaryotic Kennedy pathway.
mainly C16
mainly C18
activated FA
single enzymes
enzyme complex
CDP-DAG pathway
DAG pathway
T1 Explain the differences between the CDP-DAG- and the DAG pathway.
backbone (FA) activated by CTP
CDP-DAG formed (PPi cleaved)
headgroup attached
headgroup activated by CTP
CDP-headgroup formed (PPi cleaved)
DAG attached
T1 Describe the 7 reactions that are unique to either the citrate or glyoxylate cyle. Name the enzymes involved in the reactions as well as the substrate and product of each reaction.
glyoxylate cycle:
isocitrate —> glyoxylate + succinate (isocitrate lyase)
glyoxylate + acetyl-CoA —> malate + CoA (malate synthase)
citrate cycle:
isocitrate + NAD+ —> alpha-ketoglutarate + NADH + H+ + CO2 (isocitrate lyase)
alpha-ketoglutarate + NAD+ + CoA —> succinyl-CoA + NADH + H+ + CO2 (isocitrate dehydrogenase)
succinyl-CoA + GDP + Pi —> succinate + GTP + CoA (succinly-CoA synthase)
succinate + FAD —> fumarate + FADH2 (succinate dehydrogenase)
fumarate + H2O —> malate (fumarase)
T1 Describe three lipid metabolic pathways that are localized in the ER.
mevalonate pathway
desaturation of FAs
phospholipid synthesis
sphingolipid synthesis
TAG synthesis
T1 By which pathway do plants convert fatty acids into glucose? Name substrates and the two key enzymes involved and give examples for plants species for which this pathway is absolutely essential.
glyoxylate pathway
used to gain energy for growth from lipids (mainly germination of seeds)
plant species: ?
T1 Describe the synthesis of fatty acids and membrane lipids in a plant cell. Don’t focus on a detailed description of every single reaction but provide a more general description by making use of the following keywords: plastid/ER, cytosol, Kennedy pathway, DAG-pathway, plasmamembrane.
FA synthesis in plasmid
FA exported to cytosol
incorporated in glycolipid in Kennedy pathway (ER) ?
DAG pathway: attached to choline/ethanolamine ?
brought to plasmamembrane
T1 Draw the chemical structure of a phosphatidylcholine (PC) molecule including the fatty acid residues. Describe synthesis and degradation of PC in a plant cell with particular focus on the subcellular location of each step.
FA: FA synthesis (plastid)
choline: attached in DAG pathway (ER)
FA: beta oxidation (glyoxisome)
choline: ?
T1 Draw the chemical structure of triacylglycerols including the fatty acid residues. Describe synthesis, storage and degradation of triacylglycerols in a plant cell with particular focus on the subcellular location of each step.
glycerol: attached?
storage: ?
lipase releases FA from glycerol
FA: beta oxidation (glyoxysome)
T1 Sphingolipids consist of four subgroups. Name these 4 groups, explain how they are metabolically interconnected and by which signals the precursors are channeled into complex sphingolipids.
long chain base (LCB): palmitoyl-CoA + serine
cermade (Cer): LCB + FA
glycosylceramides (GlcCer): Cer + sugar head (hexose)
glycosylinositolphosphorylceramides (GIPC): Cer + phosphoinositol
head group attachment specific to backbone -> signal for certain complex sphingolipid
T1 Name three processes that are affected by jasmonates.
wound response
root/flower development
defense mechanism
T1 Which bacterial compound mimics the function of which plant hormone?
bacterial compund: coronatine (pseudomonas)
binds to JA-Ile receptor
plant hormone: JA-Ile
T1 What is the difference between cutin and suberin?
complex structure
below ground (root)
aerial surface
T1 What are the major monomers of cutin?
hydroxylated FAs
T2 Describe the basic principle of chromatography.
separates a mixture of dfferent compionents by properties
separation by: boiling point, hydrophobicity, interaction, size, charge (physicochemical characteristics)
utilizes stationary phase (containing the mixture) and a stationary phase (for separation)
liquid or gas mobile phase possible
T2 Explain the term “analyte” and “eluent”!
analyte: substance to be separated (containg comppund of interest)
eluent: mobile phase leaving the coloumn/chromatography after being separated
T2 Give one example how metabolites can be derivatized for GC-MS. Name two specific advantages.
removes FA from headgroup
ester bond of FA and methyl group
makes complex lipids volatile for analysis
dimethyloxazoline (DMOX)
gives location of double bonds
H of funtional groups exchanged for TMS
makes polar compunds suitable for GC-MS
O-phthalaldehyde (OPA)
T2 Which materials represent the mobile and the stationary phase by gas chromatography (GC)? Specify two advantages and one disadvantage of GC.
mobile phase: carrier gas, not reactive at high temperatures (He, Ne, Ar)
stationary phase: long thin coloumns with silica layer inside
high resolution
retention time stability
reproduciable separation
analytes must be
relatively non-polar
<600 Da
T2 Name two types of detectors, that are usually coupled with GC.
FID (flame ionisation detection)
ions fromed by burning the compound in a hydrogen flame
detected via current measured
MS (mass spectrometry)
ions formed b ydifferent methods
detected via m/z ratio
T2 How does a flame ionization detector work? What are the adventages and disadventages?
compounds burned in hydrogen flame —> ions formed
ions attracted to electrodes
current measured proportional to amount of reduced Cs
very sensitive
works for very organic analyte
accurate over seven orders of magnitude
consumptive method
dependent on standards
not possible to get information on unknown compounds
T2 Explain the abbreviation “HPLC”. What is the difference to other chromatographic methods?
high performance liquid chromatography
high chromatographic resolution —> sharp and high peaks
high back pressure —> good pumps needed
T2 What is the characteristic feature of reversed phase-HPLC?
hydrophobic solvent —> mobile phase
hydrophilic stationary phase
T2 Which types of analytes elute first by separation of a complex metabolite extract by normal phase-HPLC and which one by reversed phase-HPLC?
normals phase HPLC: hydrophilic eluents
reverse phase HPLC: hydrophobic analytes
T2 Mention three differences concerning the mobile and the stationary phase and the gradient between gas chromatography and liquid chromatography.
stationary phase
mobile phase
T2 Name the three general parts of a mass spectrometer and describe the main function of each part.
ion source: generates ions in the gas phase from sample (ESI, MALDI, APCI)
mass analyser: separation of ions according to their m/z (Q, TOF, FT‐ICR, QqQ, Q TOF)
detector: detcetion (photomultiplier, MCP)
T2 Describe two principles how ions can be produced for mass spectrometric analyses. Explain the basic principles and the chromatographic methods they can be combined with.
EI (electron impact)
highly energetic electrons create ions
combined with GC
ESI (electron spray ionisation)
high voltage creates charged droplets
combined with LC
T2 What is the major difference between a mass spectrum obtained by electron impact (EI) ionization and by electrospray ionization (ESI)?
hard ionisation technique
fragments created (charged and uncharged —> charge stays with one piece)
soft ionisation technique
adducts created (sometimes only positive or only negative ESI possible)
in most cases no fragmentation
T2 Define the terms: total ion chromatogram/count, extracted ion chromatogram/count and mass spectrum.
TIC (total ion chromatogram/count/current)
sum of all intensities of all m/z signals at one time point
sum of I (for all m/z) vs t
EIC (extracted ion chromatogram/count/current)
intensity of a specific m/z measured over time
I vs t for specific m/z
mass spectrum
intensity of m/z of all compounds contained in one sample measured at one time
I vs m/z for specific t
T2 How does tandem mass spectrometry based on a triple quadrupole work? Explain three modes of analysis! Which information could be obtained with the different modes?
3 quadrupoles (2 mass analyses, 1 collision cell) after ionisation
product ion scan
all fragment masses of one precursor
select, CID, scan
precursor ion scan
single fragment of all precursors
scan, CID, select
neutral loss scan
single neutral loss of all frgaments
scan, CID, scan m/z offset
selected reaction monitoring (SRM)
single fragemnt of selected precursor
select, CID, select
information: reference table with precursors and fragments, check which lipids are in a mixture and their abundance (semiquantitative)
T2 Specify the benefits and limitations of an ESI-TOF-MS analysis.
compunds of higher molecular weight can be analysed
builds adduct
exact mass information (data base search for sum formula possible)
big range of mass
high sensitivity
complex lipids -> hard to identify individual compounds
detector can be saturated
T3 Name the three groups of compounds in which secondary metabolism can be divided. Give for each group two examples.
contain isoprene subunit
gibberilins, abscisic acid, strigolactons
heterocyclic basic compounds
nicotin (real), mescalin (proto-), coniin (pseudo-)
from Tyr and Phe
lignans, lignin, cutin, suberin, coumarins
T3 Terpenoids derive from IPP. Describe the two alternative pathways for IPP formation and name two compounds each that are preferentially formed by either one of the pathways.
mevalonate pathway (cytosol/ER)
pyruvate -> actyl CoA -> -> mevalonate -> -> -> isopentenyl pyrophosphate (IPP)
for synthesis of sterols, ubiquinones
DOXP pathway (plastid)
pyruvate -> glycerinaldehyde-3-phosphate -> 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate (DOXP) -> 2-C-methylerythritol-4-phosphate (MEP) -> -> -> -> -> IPP
for synthesis of carotinoids, diterpenes
T3 Describe the formation of a monoterpene by head-to-tail addition.
cleavge of phsopahte groups
allyl cation is formed
T3 Name and explain the four steps of terpene synthesis.
IPP synthesis -> mevalonate pathway (ER, cytosol) or DOXP pathway (plastid)
formation of terpene skeletons -> prenyl synthases
terpene modification
oxidative modfication
T3 Describe the core features of an alkaloid and give examples.
heterogenous group
mostly heterocyclic basic compounds
derive from amino acids -> therefore N in ring or attached
real: nicotin
proto-: mescalin
pseudo-: coniin
T3 What are the major groups of phenylpropanoids? Give one example for three different groups.
lignans: ?
lignins: H-lignin
volatile: benzaldehyde ?
T3 Name three end products of phenylpropanoid biosynthesis and explain their biosynthesis.
T3 What is the difference between lignans and lignins?
lignans: dimers
lignins: high-order oligomers
T3 Name three hormones that belong to the group of terpenoids and describe briefly their biosynthesis.
from geranylgeranyl diphospahte in DOXP pathway (plastid)
one synthase forms two rings, another one the other two -> ent-Kauren (plastid)
oxidative modifications: oxidases add carboxy- and hydroxy groups (ER)
abscisic acid
from DOXP pathway (plastid): IPP -> C40
C40 (zeaxanthin, a carotinoid) -> xanthoxin (plastid)
synthesis of ABA (cytoplasm)
from DOXP pathway (plastid): IPP-> C40
derive from squalene (C30)
oxidation of b-ring
modifications of the side chain
T3 Give two examples and explain the differences where fungi and plants have evolved different biosynthetic pathways for the same hormone.
plants: from DOXP pathway (C40)
fungi: from farnesyl diphosphate (start with C15)
different after ent-kauren
agrobacterium has different pathway than plants
T3 Name two general principles each by which hormones are activated or inactivated.
hydroxylation (activation or inactivation)
oxidation (activation or inactivation)
conjugation (inactivation)
T3 What is the difference between the C40 and the C15 pathway in ABA biosynthesis?
plants: C40 from DOXP pathway
fungi: start with C15 (farnesyl diphsophate)
T4 Name 3 features of a plants cell wall.
parts of the cell wall
primary walls
middle lamella
pectin-rich corners
forms scaffold
cell development
cell division
T4 Major building blocks of the cell wall are 11 different sugar molecules. Give 3 examples how they are synthesized from glucose.
glucose -> galactose: epimerase
glucose -> mannose: epimerase
glucose -> glucoronic acid: oxidation of OH at C6
glucose? -> rhamnose: methylation
T4 Explain the difference between a reducing and non reducing end of a sugar polymer.
ring opening possible
oxidation of sugar -> psoitive Fehling reaction
free anomeric carbon
no ring-opening possible
negative Fehling reaction
T4 Glucose forms two polymers that are found in cell walls: cellulose and callose. Describe their structures and differences in occurrence.
T4 What are the two major groups of hemicelluloses? Give two examples.
cellulose backbone and C6 sugars attached
T4 Describe the basic structure of pectin and two of its functions.
cross-linking macromolecules of the cell wall -> tighter than glycans
introduce charges and ionic bonds
D-galacturonic acid/D-glucoronic acid (charge) chain and sugars attached
determine cell wall porosity
provide charged surfaces
modulate wall pH and ion balance
regulate cell-cell adhesion
T4 Name two cell wall proteins and describe their function.
hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins (HRGP)
extensin: structural integrity
proline-rich proteins (PRP)
glycine-rich proteins (GRP)
arabinogalacton (AGP)
expansins: loosen cell wall -> initiates cell wall stretching
tranport proteins
defensive proteins (kinases)
T4 Describe the major differences in the cell wall architecture of Arabidopsis and rice.
arabidopsis (type 1)
rice (type 2)
cellulose microfibrils crosslinked by xyloglucans
cellulose microfibrils crosslinked by glucuronoarabinoxylans
pectin matrix: homogalacturan (Ca2+) and rhamnogalacturan
pectin matrix (smaller): homogalacturon (Ca2+) and rhamnogalacturan
crosslinked by extensins (HRGP) after growth
crosslinked by phenolic network and “mixed-linkage” glucans (alternating beta-1,3 and 1,4)
T5 Describe the principle of Agrobacterium mediated plant transformation.
agrobacterium has tumor inducing (Ti) plasmid
transfers it tp host cell via a pilus
ORF of T-DNA is changed to gene of interest
T-DNA (between right and left border of Ti plasmid) is implemented into DNA of host cell
marker for successful transformation with GOI-Ti-plasmid
marker for implementation of T-DNA in plant cell
T5 What are the different methods of plant transformation? Describe the advantages and disadvantages of each method.
+ best established for stable transformation
+ works for many plants and fungi
- random integration of of GOI (+ mainly in one locus)
ballistic transformation (gene gun)
+ best established method for tansient expression
+ works for nearly all organisms
- radom integration
homologous recombination
- still difficult
- for flowering plants only in chloroplasts
+ precise integration (often multiple copies)
T5 Describe the nutritional strategy of Agrobacteria in crown gall tumors.
agrobacterium produces vir-proteins that lead to T-DNA integration into the plant cell
T-DNA contains genes for auxin, cytokinin and opines (what are auxins and cytokinins for?)
opines can only be used by agrobacerium
plant cell produces “food” for agrobacterium but cannt use it itself
T5 What is an input-trait? Name 3 different input-traits for plants.
protection against something
T5 What is an output-trait? Name 3 different output-traits for plants.
synthesis of something -> to optimise production
improvement of yield, fruit ripening, sterility
nutritional value
produce biomass for chemical industry
T5 What are the different methods of plant cultivation being used for biotechnology? Describe the advantages and disadvantages of each method.
tissue culture
bioreactors: glass reactors, ponds
the more elaborate the more expensive
depends on the end product (how expensive)
mammalian cell culture can be infectd by viruses -> plant cell culture will not (also less allergic reactions)
T5 Describe three different strategies for the transfer of multiple genes into plants.
gene stacking: crossing two plant lines each contaiing one gene
retransformation: adding one gene to a plant line that already contains the other
unlinked tansgenes: adding both genes separately
linked transgenes: adding both genes together
split reading frame: ?
operons: ?
T5 What are the two different methods of genetic pathway engineering? Describe the advantages and disadvantages of each method.
single step engineering (what is that?)
changes in product composition
introduce new product like antibodies
multiple step engineering (?)
increase in yield
increase something already produced in the plant
T5 What are the two different classes of renewable resources? Describe the advantages and disadvantages of each class.
building blocks for chemical industry
replaces fossil fuel
might compete with food production
some FAs are toxic (chemical defense of the plant)
T5 Name 3 different plant fatty acids that are used by chemical industry. Describe their origins and the end products for which they are being used.
calendic acid (18:3 (8E, 10E, 12E))
alpha-eleosteraic acid (18:3 (9E, 11E, 13E))
puinic acid (18:3 (9Z, 11E, 13Z))
used as feedstock for paints
T5 Name 3 different industrial crops. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of each plant.
rapeseed oil
- competes with food production
+ can easily be transformed for arabidopsis (similar genome)
+ plastic production
castor bean
- not fo food production
+ seed oil has hydroxy-FAs -> good for plastic production
T7 What is the main advantage of fluorescence over UV-Vis spectroscopy?
UV/Vis: absorption
fluorescence: good photomultiplier -> very sensitive
both: compatible with most analytes and different separation techniques
T7 Select the true statement about fluorescence spectroscopy of molecules in the UV- visible region
A) Emission usually occurs at energies that are greater than the energies of excitation
B) Emission usually occurs at energies that are less than the energies of excitation
C) Emission usually occurs at energies that are equal to the energies of excitation.
D) None of the above is accurate
emission occurs at energies lower tha excitation
Stokes shift
T7 Fluorescence probes
A) are highly fluorescent reagents that are designed to bind strongly and specifically to certain targets
B) are the basis of many very sensitive assays developed biological molecules of interest
C) enable the use of fluorescence for the detection of molecules that are not fluorescent
D) all of the above
all of the above
strong bonds, sometimes covalent
basic part of most fluorescent experiments
allows to measure molecules which are not fluorescent
T7 What is the correct path of light in a spectrofluorometer?
Source lamp
→ excitation monochromator
→ sample holder
→ emission monochromator
→ Detector
T7 What are the main transitions measured in fluorescence spectroscopy?
valence electrons
T7 In a fluorescence anisotropy experiment, the anisotropy for your sample at room temperature is 0.5 - What do you expect at higher temperatures?
higher temperature -> more movement (rotatinal relaxation)
increase in anisotropy -> decrease in polarisation
T7 A photon is absorbed by a vibrational band at 20492 cm -1 . What is the photon
i) frequency (Hz)
ii) wavelength (nm)
iii) energy (J)
i) c = lambda * nu
ii) ? = 1/lambda
iii) E = h * nu
T7 You have been given a report on luminescence measurements for an important molecule in your biochemistry lab. The report describes the fluorescence of the molecule with a peak at 675 nm, absorption peak at 455 nm, and phosphorescence peak at 560 nm.
What is wrong with this information?
absoprtion peak < fluorescent peak -> correct
fluorescence peak > phosphorescence peak
should be smaller
triplet state at lower energy than singlet state
T7 The absorption and emission spectra for quinine were displayed in the lecture. We learned that the absorption and emission spectra are typically mirrored. Is this true for the quinine spectra? If not, what could be the explanation?
transitions to higher energy states tha first excited state are not displayed in emission
internal conversion from S2 to S1 -> excitation to S2 from S0, emission only from S1 to S0
T7 Fresh meat slowly changes from bright red to a brown color due to the oxidation of oxy-myoglobin to met-myoglobin upon aging. The concentrations of both of these proteins can be measured in ground meat (after extraction, purification, and separation) using a spectrophotometer. The oxy-myoglobin is measured at 417 nm with a molar absorbtivity of 12800 M-1 cm -1 . The met-myoglobin is measured at 409 nm with a molar absorbtivity of 17900 M-1 cm -1 . In an extract of 10.0 g of ground meat (in 3.0 mL total solution) the absorbance of the oxy- myoglobin sample was found to be 0.769 using a 1 cm cell and the met-myoglobin was 0.346.
Determine the moles of oxy-myoglobin and met-myoglobin per gram of ground meat.
Lambert Beers law
T7 Chloride Quenching of SPQ:
Figure 3.48 shows the absorption and emission spectra of the chloride sensitive probe 6-methoxy-N-(3-sulfopropyl) quinolinium (SPQ) in the presence of increasing amounts of Cl– . SPQ is collisionally quenched by Cl– . The unquenched lifetime is 26.3 ns How would you use the data in Figure 3.48 to determine the Stern-Volmer quenching constant for chloride?
peak of emission spectrum -> intensity plotted against concentration of Cl-
F0/F vs. [Q]
Figure 3.48 shows the absorption and emission spectra of the chloride sensitive probe 6-methoxy-N-(3-sulfopropyl) quinolinium (SPQ) in the presence of increasing amounts of Cl– . SPQ is collisionally quenched by Cl– . The unquenched lifetime is 26.3 ns The average concentration of intracellular chloride in blood serum is 103 mM. What is the lifetime and relative intensity of SPQ in blood serum?
determine slope
F0/F = 1 + kq * T0 * [Q]
F0/F = T0/T
T8 Define and describe chromatic aberration.
dispersion: white light is split up into its components wavelengths
each wavelength has a different refractive index -> fouses at different position along the optical axis
rainbow fringes around objects and decreased resolution
T8 A microscopic objective lens has a magnification of m = 60, the numerical aperture NA = 0.95 with oil immersion (n=1.51) and the objective lens is infinity corrected and is combined with a tube lens of focal length f = 200 mm. The illumination is monochromatic at the wavelength λ= 546 nm.
Assuming small angle approximation, what is the minimal distance two points would have to have to be resolved by this system?
resolution power:
x = 0.61 λn/NA
T8 A microscopic objective lens has a magnification of m = 60, the numerical aperture NA = 0.95 with oil immersion (n=1.51) and the objective lens is infinity corrected and is combined with a tube lens of focal length f = 200 mm. The illumination is monochromatic at the wavelength λ = 546 nm.
What are the possible strategies to increase the resolution power in the system?
Use a higher NA Objective (with immersion fluid), use a smaller wavelength
What is the focal length of the objective?
(Note: mObj = ftubelens /fObj)
T8 A microscopic objective lens has a magnification of m = 60, the numerical aperture NA = 0.95 with oil immersion (n=1.51) and the objective lens is infinity corrected and is combined with a tube lens of focal length f = 200 mm. The illumination is monochromatic at the wavelength λ= 546 nm. While you are focused on your sample, you notice a piece of dirt that does not move, when the sample is moved. Where would you suspect the dirt to be located?
not moving with sample: not sample or coverslip
has to be one of the conjugate planes of the sample: eyepiece, lamp field diaphragm, camera chip
T8 Label the Koehler light path:
T8 In which conjugate plane groups are the following
microscope optical devices placed?
• A: Imaging Planes; B: Illumination Planes
• Wollaston prism I
• Condenser iris
• Eyepiece field iris
• Specimen
• Phase Plate
• Wollaston prism I B
• Condenser iris B
• Eyepiece field iris A
• Specimen A
• Phase Plate B
T8 What will be the effect on a DIC image if the second prism (W2) were removed?
no reversal of actions of first prism
shear and rotation of O- and E-ray are not reversed
most light will pass through analyser
imagevwill resemble standrard brightfield image
T9 What is the crucial component (set of components) that enables increased resolution and a 3D sample image in confocal laser scanning microscope?
pinhole aperture: cuts off other light
rotating mirror: scan point source across sample
T9 Which of the following parameters determine the optical section thickness of a laser scanning confocal microscope image?
a. X/Y sample rate and refractive index of the immersion medium
b. Z-sampling rate and pinhole diameter
c. Wavelength, Objective NA and pinhole diameter
d. Refractive index of the mounting medium and pinhole diameter
always: wavelength, objective NA
additionally in confocal microscopy: pinhole diameter
T9 What is one advantage and one disadvantage in Spinning Disk Confocal vs. Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy?
better signal to noise ration (due to use of CCD cameras)
less belaching and phototoxicity
higher speed -> live cell imaging and movies
less axial resolution -> fixed pinhole
less flexibilty to adjust components depending on sample
T9 You have succeeded in arranging fluorescent molecules (stars below) in a nano pattern that says hello.
a. Describe the image of this pattern that you will obtain if you use a standard epifluorescent microscope.
b. Describe the sequences of images that you will obtain if you image the pattern using STORM.
c. Describe the sequence of images that you will obtain if you image the patternusing STED microscopy.
under resolution of standard fluorophore
blurred image (one big blob!)
should be able to analyse most fluorphores
low probablitity of all fluorophores appearing
different images of random combination of fluorophores -> need to be combined
scanning pixel by pixel, line by line -> confocal microscope
emission and depletion laser at the same time
T9 Your research project involves measuring kinetics of protein-protein interactions.
Which fluorescent technique should you preferably use?
eficiency over time -> distance -> kinetics
FCS also suitable
T9 Regarding TIRF microscopy, which of the following is FALSE:
a. The Evanescent wave decays exponentially.
b. The Evanescent wave is a standing wave 100nm into the sample.
c. The Evanescent wave forms at the angle of total reflection.
d. The Evanescent wave energy is a function of the emission wavelength.
function of excitation
formed by excitation wave reflected by glass
T9 In Structured Illumination Microscopy, which of the following is true:
a. A Moiré pattern can reveal sample intensity.
b. A resolution of 2.4nm can be achieved.
c. A Moiré image pattern can reveal ~100nm objects.
d. Individual fluorescent molecules can be statistically localized.
b: nothing to do witn Moire pattern
d. true for SMLM
E6 What is the hamilton function?
H = T + V = Σpi^2/2m + ΣV(ri)
H: total energy
T: kinetic energy
V: potential energy
p: momentum
E6 What is the Plank-Einstein equation?
E = h * ν
ν: frequency
E6 What is the de Broglie equation?
p = h/λ
λ: wavelength
E6 What is the Schrödinger equation?
ih- del ψ/del t = H^ ψ
-> ψ is an eigenfunction of the hamiltonian
H^ ψ = E ψ
-> the energy of the wave function is an eigenvalue
E6 What is Heisenbergs uncertainty principle?
precision with which certain pairs of physical properties can be known is limited
the more accurate one, the more inaccuratethe other
example: position and wavelength
E6 What is the general concept of the particle in a box? How are the distances between the energy states?
particle can only be in box -> potential energy is infinitively high everywhere else
wave function in box
as many extrema as the quantum number n
crosses the x-axis n-1 times
E_n ~ n^2
E6 What is the general concept of the particle on a ring? How are the distances between the energy states?
particle in a box -> box formed to a ring
E6 What is the general concept of the harmonic oscillator? How are the distances between the energy states?
like a spring -> force is that of a spring, potential energy the integral
E_n ~ n
E6 What is the general concept of the anharmonic oscillator? How are the distances between the energy states?
takes into account that bonds can break and compression is limited
energy states get closer the higher the quantum number
E6 What is the general concept of the particle in a Coulomb potential? How are the distances between the energy states?
electrons in atom
in classical atom model the electrons would fall into the nucleus
E_n ~ 1/n^2
E6 What is the expectation value in quantum mechanics?
<x> = ∫Ψ*(x) x^ Ψ(x) dx
E6 What is Fermis golden rule?
after system is disturbed
describes probability of transition from one energy eigenstate to another
defined by transition moment squred proportional to density of states
E6 What are Einstein coefficients?
stimulated absorption leads to transitions between spin states
W_i->f = B_fi * ρ
same is true for stimulated emission (opposite transition)
W_f->i = B_fi * ρ
this way there would be no Boltzmann distribution of energy -> there is also spontaneous emission (creaes Boltzmann distribution)
Wi->f = A_fi
E6 What is Lambert-Beers law?
A = log(I0/I) = c*d*ε
A: absorbance
I: intensity
c: concentration
d: thickness of cuvette
ε: molar extinction coefficient
E6 What is Franck-Condons principle?
electrtronic transitions are fast -> nuclei move after transition
transition arrows are orthogonal to R-axis (x-axis)
transition moment depends only weakly on nuclear coordinates and /or they do not change much in the transition
eletronic transition from one vibratona energy level to another is more likely if the two vibrational wave functions overlap
E10 What is the spin/magnetic moment?
E10 What is the gyromagnetic ratio?
E10 What is the gyromagnetic ratio and spin of 1H, 2H, 13C, 14N and 16O?
E10 Explain the Zeeman effect. How is it related to the resonance/Larmor frequency?
E10 What is magnetic shield? How is it related to chemical shift?
E10 What is J-coupling? How is the rule for multiplet structures?
E10 Explain the Karplus curve. What is it used for?
E10 How are the resolution and first order rules dependent on the field?
E10 What is magnetisation and polarisation?
E10 How do RF pulses work?
E10 FID/Fourier transformation/uncertainty relation of time and energy
E10 How is the line width connected to the FID?
E10 What is T2 relaxation?
E10 What is T1 relaxation?
E10 What is 2D NMR spectroscopy? Name examples of 2D NMR specxtroscopy.
E10 How does COSY work? Which information is gained?
E10 How does NOESY work? Which information is gained?
E10 How does heteronuclear 2D NMr spectrsocopy work? Which informatuion is gained?
Last changed4 months ago