Name the changes of digital revolution on competition
Horizontal innovation (new innovations can come on any time for example uber or the effects of mp3 Technology on the music indutry)
Disruptive power of start-ups and obsolete business models
Shifting competitive advantages (old powerful industries may loose their power to newer ones)
Name The five Forces that shape industry competition
threat of new entrants (Bedrohung durch neue Marktteilnehmer)
bargaining power of buyers (Verhandlungsmacht der Käufer)
threat of substitute products or services (Bedrohung durch Ersatzprodukte oder -diensleistungen)
bargaining power of suppliers (Verhandlungsmacht der Lieferanten)
rivalry among existing competitors (Konkurrenz unter bestehenden Wettbewerbern)
Name Changes through the digital revolution: Companies
‘Data explosion’
Push (or pull) to engage in digital technologies
Boom of corporate entrepreneurship
Data security threats (are a major issue)
Greater connectedness throughout the industry
Unexpected spawning of new competitors
Name the changes through the digital revolution on consumers
Sharing economy
Changed modes of social interaction (e.g. smaprthones, poularity if you get followers on social media)
Altered behavioral patterns (smartphones affect our walking or how we drive)
Altered brain circuits and functions (some believe it affects our ability to concetrate)
The technology search space has grown: What means this?
It means that we now have many options to go for if we want to invent smth or if we want to decide what technologies we want to use (Options may be regions, technology or strategie business units)
Which factors affect the digital strategic posture and what is the consquence?
industry turbulence (-)
industry growth (+)
industry concentration (+)
affect the way digital indunstries transform, they push industries into the digital transformation
Define digital entrepreneurship
Intersection of digital technologies and entrepreneurship
Subfield of the research stream on ‘technology entrepreneurship’ (where technology is rather a context factor)
Simply defined: entrepreneurship based on digital technologies
What are the three different components of digital entrepeneurship?
Name some aspects that characterize digital entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurial outcomes and processes are less bounded
Digital artifacts: ‘reprogrammable, recombinable, and open’
Digital platforms: generativity of entrepreneurial outcomes (by sharing knowledge new things can be invented)
Extreme scalability (it can grow verry quickly)
Entrepreneurial agency less pre-defined (can evolve much fast than expected)
Contingent on digital technology
Distributed entrepreneurial agency (e.g., in open source sector; Mozilla Firefox)
Explain the three Types of digital entrepreneurship
Purely digital:
All primary activities are digital (i.e., non-physical) Examples: Airbnb, LinkedIn, Facebook, Tinder
Some primary activities digital, others physical, Example: Amazon
Digital spin-offs:
Company started with non-digital business (‘bricks-and-mortar’)
Diversification by adding a digital business unit (spinoff) Examples: Tchibo, Walmart
Digital technologies as external enablers of digital entrepreneurship: What are the Key mechanisms?
Explain Digitization, Digitalization, and Digital Transformation and to what they reffer to
What are Characteristics of digital transformation?
Transforming customer experience
Customer understanding
Top-line growth
Customer touch points
Transforming operational processes
Process digitalized
Worker enablement
Performance management
Transforming business models
Digitally modified businesses
New digital businesses
Digital globalization
Last changed9 months ago