What are Arbuscular (endo-)mycorrhiza (AM)? Where can they be found?
a symbiosis between plants and members of an ancient phylum of fungi, the Glomales
evolutionary old symbiosis (>400 Mio years)
found on roots: herbaceous angiosperms, most trees, mosses, ferns
not present on Cruciferae (Arabidopsis), Chenopodiaceace, Proteaceae
What types of roots do arbuscular mycorrhiza have?
Outside root
spores (multinucleate), filamentous hyphae
Inside root
intercellular mycelium
“intracellular” arbuscule —> not really intracellular becuase surrounded by symbioses membrane
vesicles with reserves
Describe the signaling between AM fungi and plant
Plant root produces strigolacetones (and other chemicals) —> initiates branching in fungal hyphae
Fungi produces a Myc factor —> identifies it as symbiont
The plant prepares to permit the fungi to penetrate its cells
What are Myc factors?
produced by fungus
have a backbone of N-acetylglucosamine (chitin) sugar residues
have a lipid moiety —> helps plant to recognize fungi as symbiont and not pathogen
How does the plant responde to fungal penetration of mycorrhizal fungi?
epidermal cells form a pre-penetrational apparatus (PPA)
the plan assists activly via nucleus transport and ER the penetration of the fungus
it comes to the building of a periarbuscular membranes with transporters to fasciliate nutrient exchange
phosphates and nitrogens from the fungus
sugars out of the plant cell to the fungus
How do bacteria fix nitrogen? How is the enzyme composed?
With nitrogenase under useage of 16 ATP.
Triple bonded N2 is transformed to Amonia (2 NH3)
N2 + 8H+ + 8e− → 2 NH3 + H2
Nitrogenase is deactivated by oxygen
Explain the communication cascade which leads to a Nodule development?
1. The plant root produces specific flavonoids that attract rhizobia
2. The flavanoids (luteolin) binds to the NodD transcription factor and binds to the nod gene promoter.
3. This lead to the transcription of the nod genes and products like Nod factor (N-acetylglucoseamine with lipid mooiety, similar to Myc factor)
4. It comes to root hair curling and the plant starts integrate bacteria in the curl
How do Nod factors differ and what does the difference communicate?
Nod factors of different bacteria vary greatly in their structure (length of chitin backbone, length of Acyl group, other modifications). The structure of the Nod factor determines the bacteria’s host range.
Specific legume hosts recognise specific symbionts through their Nod factors
How does Nod-factor recognition generally work and where are the receptors located?
Nod-factor receptors (NFR) are located on the root epidermis and root hairs, nod factors are located in bacterial cell wall. Upon recognition, the bacteria induced root hair curling, that envelops the bacteria and causes an infection thread. Deletion mutants of the NFR do not show root curling
What is the common SYM pathway?
The common SYM pathway (indicated in red) transduces information from the plasma membrane to the nucleus.
Signals from nodulating bacteria (Nod factors) and mycorrhizal fungi (Myc factors) are transduced through the SYM pathway
Describe the reaction cascade of the general SYM pathway, that leads from recognition of the Nod-factor to nodulation
NFR1 and NFR5 recognise Nod-Factor, SYMRK (SYM receptor like kinase) has an unknown ligand. All 3 produce second messenger molecules.
Second messengers activate ion channels CASTOR and POLLUX, which cause Calcium spiking.
Ca2+ ion Oszillation causes conformational change of Calmodulin (CaM) which changes its affinity for other proteins
Activated calcium- and calmodulin- (CaM) dependent protein kinase (CCaMK) phosphorylates targets including CYCLOPS, a protein of unknown function, to elicit nodule formation
CYCLOPS activates Transcription factors, which induce genes for nodule development
NUP133 and NUP85 are nuclear pore complexes that transport transcription factors into the nucleus and RNAs out.
SYMRK, CASTOR, POLLUX, NUP85 and NUP133 are essential for calcium spiking and symbiosis success.
After infection of the host, which lifestyle type of bacteria start to fix nitrogen?
Bacteria are released from the infection thread
into the cytoplasm of the host cells, but remain surrounded by the peribacteroid membrane. Failure to form the PBM results in the activation of host defenses and/or the formation of ineffective nodules.
Infected root cells swell and cease dividing. Bacteria within the swollen cells change form to become endosymbiotic bacteroids, which begin to fix nitrogen.
How is the necessary ATP for nitrogenase produced if oxygen deaxctivates nitrogenase (oxidative phosphorylation impossible?)
ATP is produced by oxidative phosphorylation —> this requires oxygen
low oxygen environment is mainatined with an oxygen permeability barrier in the inner cortex
a high affinity cytochrome oxidase (transfers e- to O2 and produces H2O) functions at low O2 concentrations
leghemoglobin (= oxygen binding protein) buffers oxygen and delivers it to respiring symbiotic cells
leghemoglobin maintains a free oxygen concentration that is low enough to allow nitrogenase to functions but a high enough total oxygen concentration for aerobic respiration
In plant rhizobia symbiosis: which nutrients are exchanged?
plant provides organic carbon (Malate) for use in production of ATP
bacteroid fixes N2 to NH3 which is exported to the plant cell
—> In bacteroid memebrane: respiratory chain for ATP production (oxidative phosphorylation) with O2 as electron acceptor
toxic NH4+ is shuffled out of bacteroid & peribacteroid membrane into plant cell —> plant assimilates NH4+ into amino acids using glutamine synthase
Plant provides amino acids to bacteia via AA transporters
Pseudomonas syringae: characteristics
gram-negative soil bacterium, aerobic, rod-shaped
(hemi) biotrophic pathogen
has over 40 pathovars with distinct host range
infects e.g. Arabidopsis, bean, soybean, tomato
possible because of multiple effector proteins
What is the function of the hrp-pilius of P. Syringae?
P. syringae uses its hrp-pilius (=type III secretion system) to secrete effector molecules into the plant cell and suppress plant Defense (effector-triggered susceptibility)
On the other hand: effector molecules are often detected by so-called Resistance (R)-genes (effector-triggered immunity)
Multiple effector proteins determine the host specificity of the pathovar
How does P. Syringae effectors affect the PRR FLS2?
The Pattern recognition receptor FLS2 is blocked by the effector AvrPto and can no longer recognise flg22
—> causes ETS
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