1914 -1960: Nigeria is a British colony (many Conflicts between North and South)
1966-1998: military dictatorship (many political coups)
1999: democratic constitution came into effect (like the American constitution)
biggest oil production in Africa
half of the Nigerians work in the service sector
most profit from oil export and movie Industry
3rd highest population in the world
English is the main language
50% Muslims, 48% Christion’s
Nollywood (film Industry)
growing population/ increasing poverty
48% of the population are younger than 16
inequality between men and women
Boko Haram (Terror organisation)
bad infrastructure (many people don’t even have clear water)
William Shakespeare: (1564-1616)
Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Macbeth
The Globe Theatre
big influence on the English language (1500-2000 new words)
Elizabethan age: (1558-1603)
named after Queen Elizabeth
England experienced peace and prosperity
took part in the Renaissance
transition between Middle Ages and modern Times
considered as “the golden age” by many historians
many changes in science, technology, trade, social conception, and religion
Is Shakespeare still relevant today?
his works deal specifically with the role of the individual
has a huge effect on other authors and our language
a difficult language, which is for most of the student unmotivating
Influences from that time can be seen in many places
Globalization is the growing interdependence of the world's economies, cultures, and populations, brought about by cross-border trade in goods and services, technology, and flows of investment, people, and information (global village)
easier trade and tourism / ongoing exchange / social media / global trade
limited resources / climate change / exploitation of poor countries / lose of cultural specials
Working in a global world:
more diversity (salary and job opportunities)
more flexibility on the workplace (Home office)
cheaper employers in in poorer countries (child labor)
American Dream:
individual Dream
Material and immateriell
hope about a better life in the USA
the basis was the declaration of independence in 1776, which said that any people are even and that they have the same rights and freedom (not really for Black people)
hard work is rewarded
the symbol is the eagle, which stands for strength and courage
Rosa Park refused to give up her seat to a white one in 1955 (she was later arrested)
Martin Luther King with his speech in 1963 “I have a dream” (Civil Rights Movement)
#BlackLivesMatter and Barack Obama
Great Britain:
consists of England, Wales, Scotland
the British empire is the biggest empire in history with over 50 colonies
played major roles in WW1 and WW2 (one of the four victory powers)
after WW2, many people immigrated to the UK to rebuild the damaged infrastructure
foundation of Commonwealth of nations in 1931
in 2016, 52% of the population voted for the Brexit
big split in the nation after the vote
many postponements of Brexit
since the first of January in 2021, the UK isn’t a part of the EU anymore
General facts:
constitutional monarchy
the Queen or King is considered as the symbolic head of power
the prime minister is the head of state
20% of the population are part of minority’s
Utopia and Dystopia
an unfeasible wishful thinking of a futuristic ideal place
a bad place and, who mostly takes place in the future
people live in peace and harmony with each other and act in solidarity
destruction and poor living conditions (e.g., nuclear disasters, pollution, overpopulation, hunger) - attempt to maintain the appearance of an actually "perfect world"
there is no hunger, no war, no oppression
loss of privacy (technology advances used for surveillance)
human rights and the freedom of everyone are preserved
no free access to information
medical and technological advances have a positive impact on life
Last changed9 months ago