an occupation
a job or profession
a vocation
eine Berufung
to job-share
sharing the weekly hours of work with another person
to work freelance
working for different companies and being paid for euach piece of work you do (freiberufliche Arbeit)
a dead-end job
a job with no promotional opportunities
to get a promotion
to have career prospects
Karrierechancen haben
a workaholic
a person who finds it difficult not to work
fixed amount of money - Gehalt
a amount of money that is paid to a worker per hour - Lohn
minimum wage
lowest amount of money that s.o can legally get
a bonus
extra money for extra work
receiving perks
special benefits from the work in addition to your salary
to get a pay rise
to take a pay cut
receive unemployment benefits
to get sick pay
to be dismissed, to be laid off, to be fired
losing a job
to quit a job, to give up work to study, to take maternity/paternity leave, to switch careers
stopping work
look for/search/hunt for a job
getting a job
a trial
a formal meeting in a court - decision wether a person is guilty of a crime
a verdict
an official judgement (Urteil)
to question s.o
to accuse s.o
to hire a lawyer
Anfwalt beauftragen
to be acquitted
freigesprochen werden
to be convicted
verurteilt werden
to be granted
gewährt werden
Last changed8 months ago