Project Management Disciplines
… Management
Approach of an energy efficiency project
Data sources
Energy bills
Climate data
Previous reports
Challenges with Data sources
Defect database / complete data losses
Gap of Data
Winter/summer time switch
Different time zone formatting
Preparation of Data sources
“Bridging the gap”
Find defect in the data base
Talk intensively to the client
Interpolation for small gaps
Build up suitable methods/tools
Production process pet food
Main Energy Consumer
Retort, steam tunnel and filling
—> High energy saving potential especially for the retort (59 %)
Retort Process
C.U.T come up time
Energy Analysis - Energy demand of the sterilization process
Energy Analysis
Before working on a topic: Get information about the fundamentals
—> Example Retort Sterilization: Heat recovery
—> Understand the economic impacts of the measure
Quantify your results
—> Example: Energy balance (holding time and come up time)
—> Find the key variables to optimize the energy consumption
Optimization Potential
Idea of optimization
—> Example: Motivation to keep pouches hot —> Idea of insulation
—> Example: Retort: Inter-process heat recovery by Chunk’s water, Mixer, Gravy
Quantify potential of the idea
—> Example: New energy demand
Optimizing control
Calculate monetary savings for the implementation of the optimization potential
Interim Report
Inform the client about actual energy saving potentials
Report can be a presentation
Rank your energy efficiency actions by quantitative statements
Discuss where to go into details
Protocol the results of the discussion
Visualization and quantifying
Sankey Diagrams
Energy perfomance indicators (EnPIs) in a water fall diagram
Typical Software Environments used for modelling physical systems
Examples: Excel and VBA, MATLAB and Simulink, Dymola
Testing Types
Quick Shots
Example: Insulation box shows simple testing
Temperature measurement
Hot water
Experiment can be done in a kitchen
Complex prototypes
Example: Hybrid heating system for waste heat utilization and demand response
Implementation is a project for itself
Cost and time plan
Project planning on basis of simulation and/or testing
Last changed9 months ago