Explain what IP4E stands for and means
Integrierte Produkt-
Erfindung (Invention)
Entwicklung (Development)
Erstellung (Production)
Erhaltung (Maintenance)
Developing a good product hinges on each phase considering the experience and requirements of the other phases
-> end-to-end mindset
Clarifying the term “sustainability” – what does it actually mean?
Presentation of MTU and its contribution to a safe and sustainable aviation
MTU is a “Subsystem/module partner”
-> MTU is not a first level supplier but also doesnt design the whole engine. It delivers submodules HPC for example to P&W
Aircraft engine development, manufacturing and support in all thrust classes
Commercial business: 30% of aircraft fly with MTU technology on board
TCF (Turbine center frame)
Aviation safety aspects
Aviation has gotten significantly safer over the decades.
Most accidents get caused by human error, only roughly 3% by engines
MTUs History
Founded 1934
Today locations in North america, germany, poland. (And way more maintance outposts)
Climate Impact
Only one third are Co2 effects
Roughly 3% of the total emitted co2, is emitted by airplanes
Most of the climate impact comes from non-co2 effects
Co2 can be reduced by the (classical) measure of reducing fuel burn (TSFC)
Nox can be reduced by clever design of the combustion chamber
Contrails are affected by the conditions of the surrounding atmosphere and the emision of particles (soot). This could be reduced via a smart flight planing method or SAF
Explain the Geared Turbofan
The GTF contains a gearbox between the fan and the LPT-Shaft, therefore the LPT & LPC can spin way faster than the fan. This improves the engine in multiple ways:
The fan can spin slower, this improves TSFC
The LPT & LPC can spin way faster and can be built lighter
The fan spins slower -> lower noise
Geared Turbofan reduces:
- Noise footprint by 75%
- Fuel consumption and CO₂-emissions by 16%
- NOₓ-emissions by 50%
Presentation of the global and European climate targets development
Climate targets usually only limited the Co2 emissions
Paris climate agreement 2014 was a paradigm shift, since it limited climate warming.
-> Non Co2 effects which dominate the climate impact of aviation are included
Since the aviation industry needs quite some time to adjust and develop new planes, in the coming years/decades the relative share of aviations climate impact is going to grow!
Relationship between aviation emissions and their climate impact
Quantity easy to estimate, as it is linearly dependent on fuel consumption
Mode and strength of effect on climate well understood
Nitrogen oxides (NOx):
Quantity strongly dependent on combustion
Cooling effect due to decomposition of methane
Warming effect due to generation of ozone (pre-dominant)
High uncertainty in predicting their role in terms of climate impact
Formation and persistence of contrails highly dependent on ambient conditions (e.g. water saturation of the atmosphere) exhaust emissions (e.g. particle numbers/sizes, temperature)
Emission limits for the approval of new engines
Limits are already in place for
nitrogen oxides (NOx)
unburned hydrocarbons (UHC)
carbon monoxide (CO)
Noise Certification is based on three operating points
Alternative energy sources (classification, production routes, availability, approval)
Very low volumetric energy density
-> Big tanks, high drag, less space for cargo
Good gravimetric energy density
Better volumetric energy density
LH2 ~2x more expensive than kerosene
Hydrogen has potential to lower cost long-term but comes with high cost for infrastructure
HEFA or Power to liquid (Almost the entire volume of SAF available today is produced by the HEFA process)
50/50 Blend currently approved
With current seals and piping SAF stills needs aromatics to be added
Will be more expensive than fossil kerosene, even in the long term
SAF ~3x more expensive than kerosene
Very low gravimetric energy density
Not suitable for long range aircraft anytime soon
Only suitable for niche aircraft
Carbon capture:
Direct-Air-Capture (DAC)
Co2 from point sources
Allowance trading and offsetting mechanisms in aviation
European Emission Trading System EU-ETS:
There a set (limited) number of allowances that can be traded if not needed. The amount decreases year over year and therefore the Co2 cost increase over time.
This incentivises companies to emit less Co2 and invest in green operating methods.
All flights within the EU + European Economic Area
Domestic flights are also covered by the EU-ETS
ICAO Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA):
International flights between CORSIA member countries
Domestic flights are not covered
Member states represent more than 75% of global air traffic
Limitation on CO2 emissions
Price is currently only $1/ton
Schmidt-Appleman criterion/diagram
Warm, moist exhaust gas stream (1) mixes with the cooler ambient air along a mixing line, ending up in ambient conditions (3 or 4).
Water in the exhaust gas cools and forms droplets on soot particles in the exhaust gas and particles present in the atmosphere,
provided that the mixing line intersects the saturation vapor pressure curve over water (2).
• If the ambient air is supersaturated with ice (3), the ice crystals do not sublime
→ persistent contrail
• If the ambient air is not supersaturated with ice (4.), the ice crystals sublime
→ non-persistent contrail
Persistent contrails can spread out and develop into contrail cirrus clouds
• Cooling of the Earth by reflecting incident short-wave solar radiation back into space (when the sun is high in the sky)
• Heating of the Earth by reflecting outgoing long-wave radiation back to earth (at night and when the sun is low)
• Warming of the atmosphere by absorption of solar energy
Requirements for climate metrics in aviation
A climate metric has to meet several requirements due to the multitude of effects. Thus, not every one is suitable for aviation.
The Average Temperature Response (ATR) describes the time integral of the change in the globally averaged temperature rise.
Radiative forcing describes the difference between the energy reaching the atmosphere from space (solar radiation) and that emitted by the earth (infrared radiation).
Challenges of global engine development
Development costs per engine program > USD 3 bn
Development time > 5 years
Payback period for dev. costs: approx. 20 years
Rising pressure to innovate
Shorter product lifecycles
Benefits of integrated collaboration:
Risk & revenue sharing partnerships
Pooling partners’ expertise
MTU process to support the product lifecycle
Tech Radar
Prelimininary Design
Product Definition
Product Concept
Product Design
Verification & validation
IP4E backbone
Program director
Overall responsibility for the program
Chief engineer
Coordination of multiple modules / system-related tasks
Reports to program director
Module team leader
Integration of all components
Coordination of all module-relevant tasks
Reports to chief engineer
Component team leader
Coordination of all component-relevant tasks
Reports to module team leader
IP4E teams
1. Target orientation
Each member is aware of the team’s goals, tasks and responsibilities
Each member is committed to achieving the milestones that lead to the completion of each task
2. Open communication
Everyone’s opinion is heard, problems are discussed openly as they arise
Everyone is committed to playing their part in working together to reach a consensus
3. Efficient, qualified team members
Each member is fully trained and can speak on behalf of their functional area
If not, they seek help and guidance from their supervisor
4. Committed participation
Future work
Open work space
Short distances between disciplines
Interactive exchange
Virtual engine
Digital twin
Collaboration across multiple locations - Opportunities & Challenges
Reduction in development costs
Access to a larger pool of experts
Closer proximity to customers
Clever use of the expanded timeframe that results from work spread over multiple time zones
More coordination required
Cultural differences
Political landscape
Greater demands on infrastructure (connectivity and data exchange)
Loss of proprietary know-how
MTU Aero Engines North America (AENA) -> Close to Pratt & Whitney
MTU Aero Engines Polska -> manufactures components, performs component repairs
How are new propulsion concepts invented and developed?
Milestone PP2 is used to demonstrate the feasibility of the advanced product design as well as the required technologies
Gate G1 defines the program start
Innovation management and intellectual property management are key parts of the product invention process
Technology radar
Determining technological needs (Innovation management)
Drivers in aviation (pull factors)
Global warming: Lower emissions, higher efficiency
Profitability: Low costs, durable engines
Society: Low costs, low noise, high level of safety
New technologies (push factors): Serve to enable new cycles,
improve efficiency, reduce weight, reduce emissions, increase reliability, etc.
Requirements for new engines of the market, the airframer and the stakeholdes
Different market segments:
Defining a thrust class
SFC, weight, climate impact
Offtakes: Onboard electronics, hydraulics, bleed…
Defining the geometric dimensions of the engine by means of
installation constraints
- Maximum fan diameter
- Gully height: distance from wing
- …
Key stakeholders:
Airline (Mission fuel consumption,Direct operating cost (DOC),reliability)
Residents (Noise,Local air quality)
Passengers (Cabin noise, Oscillations)
Authorities (Certification , ETOPS)
Name different component requirements and respective examples
Mission requirements (Find critical operating points, Takeoff, Top of Climb…):
- Cruise - optimum specific fuel consumption (SFC)
- Takeoff (MTOW) - maximum loads and temperatures
- Surge marginmust be maintained at all operating points
Service life requirements:
- Service life requirements for the engine typically result from the
desired timing of maintenance intervals
Preliminary design
Potential product requirements and the technology radar -> lead concepts
Assessment of disruptive technologies
Promising lead concepts -> advanced product designs (APDs)
Design studies try to find the optimum compromise between competing objectives
After the preliminary design, only a relatively small proportion of costs have been incurred, but 95% of the costs have been defined
Materials developments must be identified and started much earlier than engine development
Safety requirements in aerospace significantly determine materials selected
>60% of parts are coated to protect them against wear and aggressive media, and to extend their service life
Preliminary design (Installation effects)
Fully installed engine (With outer nacelle drag)
Streamtube engine (Resistance on inner core cowl and nozzle plug, pylon Pre-inlet losses)
Installed engine (Power take-off, Customer bleed)
Uninstalled engine (Engine without take-offs)
Preliminary design (module development)
Comparative studies seek the optimal trade between conflicting goals
Trade factors make it possible to convert the conflicting target parameters into each other
Smith chart
Example of a technology gap
Intellectual property management
Best-known intellectual property right:
“The patent is officially issued and is limited to a defined territory for a specific period of time. The patent owner is
entitled to prohibit others from using the invention.”
They represent an opportunity and a risk at the same time
Investments in R&D can be secured through patents
The company must seek to avoid infringement on patents
Trade secrets:
Selected aspects of technological progress that arent disclosed through the publication of a patent
Outline of MTU’s three key technology paths
Evolutionary -> Revolutionary
GTF – 2nd generation
WET – Water-enhanced turbofan
FFC – Flying fuel cell
GTF 2. Generation, Top technologies and climate impact
Small core size
High aspect ration blades
Low cax/u design
Endwall contouring
Climate Impact:
No reduction in contrails (Less soot with SAF -> less contrails)
-25% Co2
-53% Nox
Overall -20%, with SAF -63%
-> Fast and easy to accomplish reduction
Explain the WET engine concept
Key WET engine components & their challenges
Combustion chamber
Steam in the primary zone reduces the flame temperature through high water heat capacity and lower oxygen concentration overall.
-> This allows the combustor to run at a higher equivalence ratio overall (richer) -> the engine’s specific power output increases
- Stable combustion under all operational conditions
Recovery of exhaust gas heat through vaporizing water
- Integration (volume & weight)
- low pressure losses
Condensation of water from exhaust gas
- Integration: volume & weight (with low pressure loss)
WET – Aircraft integration
1. Specific fuel consumption
The reduction in mission fuel consumption can be more than achieved through more efficient engines, since the aircraft gets lighter
2. Weight
Additional components add weight that increase the aircraft’s thrust requirements and thus its mission fuel consumption.
3. Nacelle drag
Nacelles are longer and as a result generate more drag (less damaging than additional width/diameter.)
4. Additional materials
Aircraft with WET engines carry, for instance, tanks with extra water for takeoff.
• Center of gravity moves toward rear
• Lower wing bending moment due to increased weight
• Longer engine nacelle due to heat exchanger
• Higher wing position
WET Engine, Material challenges and climate impact
Material challenges mainly rise up because of the increased water vapor. This causes excessive corrosion
Contrail Reduction by particle separator
-35% Co2
-80% Nox
Overall impact: -80%
Flying Fuel cells (FFC)
MTU believes that fuel cells have the potential to enable climate-neutral flight across relevant market segments
(Short range)
Fault-tolerant architecture
No buffer battery required
High gravimetric power density
Low volumetric power density leads to a large LH2 tank and limited space for cargo/passengers
FFC – Balance of plant
The balance of plant describes the fuel cell’s auxiliary units, which are necessary for its stable operation
The FC air system supplies the fuel cell with conditioned oxygen from the ambient air for
compression, humidification, temperature control, filtration
The FC H2 system supplies the fuel cell with conditioned hydrogen for
modulation of H2 operating pressure
recirculation of unused hydrogen (active/passive)
FC cooling system dissipates reaction heat
-> Leads to a parasitic load of 10–15%
Hydrogen Tank and Integration
LH2 has 2.8 times the gravimetric energy density of kerosene, but 4 times the volume
Extraction as gas
Controlled heat input into tank ensures evaporation
Less space for cargo/passengers
Higher drag
FFC Climate Impact
- Very low contrail production
- 100% Co2
- 100% Nox
-> Almost climate neutral
FFC – Technology validation and demonstration
Static Full System Demonstrator (600 kW Propulsion System)
Dynamic Full System Demonstrator (600 kW Propulsion System) (FFC on a truck)
Static Multi-Mega-Watt System Demonstrator (>1000 kW Propulsion System)
MTU’s approach:
Thorough and holistic functional analysis of primary and secondary use cases showing the start and backbone of system development
Coordination between airframer and engine provider prior to program start
Typically, an airframer defines an aircraft with potential engine variants
Requests for information (RFIs) are used to coordinate key parameters with the engine manufacturer
The actual down-select among different engine providers is initiated through a request for proposal (RFP)
Typically one or two engine providers qualify for engine selection -> program start for engine development -> typically accompanied by an agreement with an airline as launch customer
“Developing an engine requires partnerships”
Most engines are developed by consortia made up of several companies
Share the high development costs
Share the technical risk
Individual companies specialize in specific engine modules
Political factors
The product development process (Gate 2 to Gate 6)
Each phase begins/ends with a design review (DR) and a gate
At G2, all product technologies must demonstrate their “technological maturity” (T5)
Due to the turnaround times for hardware, the product definition of a configuration needs to be released some 15 to 18 months ahead of the targeted test
Concept phase (Goals)
Provide proof that specifications (thermodynamic process, etc.) can be met
Demonstrate that work can be completed on time, on budget and with the available test stand capacity
Identify risks as well as measures/plans for mitigation
Show that the draft concept and development plans are suitable for the upcoming design phase
Design phase (Goals)
Detailed design of components (technical drawings, tolerances, specifications, etc.)
Approval of components for production of early tests
Planning of the validation and approval program for engine, components and parts
Validation phase (Goals)
Providing sufficient test results for definitive analyses & validation of the analytical models
Production approval for components
Proof that the test results and their evaluation show that specified values have been met
Demonstrating that safety and reliability requirements have been met
Proving that the desired design/hardware standards are suitable for the subsequent high volume production phase
Engine-level goals
The design goal for an engine is described in terms of various metrics
-> The metrics for the engine as a whole are broken down into the individual modules
Trade factors
- Metric of weight: 900 lbs -> 1% TSFC or
- Metric of efficiency: 1% hLPT -> −1% TSFC
“Can be used to evaluate the relative severity of deviations from target values”
Margin policy & Bookkeeping
Various margins are applied during the design (boundary conditions are articifially more challenging)
TSFC margins is subject to opposing requirements:
-> sufficiently large margins to accommodate development risks
-> minimal margins for an overall low and thus competitive and attractive specification value
Overall engine performance results from efficiency bookkeeping from individual modules
The efficiency of the FETT test results should then meet the prediction
Product development process (PDP) Goals
PDP is the basis of project planning in IP4E teams
ensures transparency in the process landscape
supports employee onboarding
promotes efficiency and quality in IP4E teams
defines logical relations between tasks
references additional norms (incl. DMBGs) and other information
Knowledge management through DMBG and lessons learned
MTU designation Design Make Build Guide (DMBG)
Binding rules for engine components and engines
Acceptable deviations must be approved through a
waiver process
Lessons Learned (LL):
Documentation of findings (positive + negative)
LL use is non-binding
Last changed6 months ago