1. Name 3 features of a plants cell wall.
Primary wall, middle lamellae, pectin-rich cell corner
Forms a scaffold, regulates cell division, cell shape, stability
Primary structure: cellulose, interconnected by hemicellulose, glycanes and pectins, in between areproteins
2. Major building blocks of the cell wall are 11 different sugar molecules. Give 3 examples of how they are synthesized from glucose.
Glucose to galacturonic acid: epimerization (à galactose), oxidation at C6
Glucose to arabinose: oxidation at C6 (à glucuronic acid), decarboxylation (à xylose), epimerization
Glucose to mannuronic acid: epimerization at C2 (à mannose), oxidation at C6
3. Explain the difference between a reducing and non-reducing end of a sugar polymer.
Reducing ends of sugar polymers are semi-acetals (at the anomeric carbon!) and their Haworth ring can reopen into the Fischer chain. Here, they have an aldehyde or keto group that has reducing capacities in the Fehling or Tollens test:
On the other hand, non-reducing sugars are “full” acetals, their ring cannot reopen, and they cannot react in the Fehling or Tollens test.
4. Glucose forms two polymers that are found in cell walls: cellulose and callose. Describe their structures and differences in occurrence.
Cellulose (central metabolite)
Chain made of glucose molecules, connected via β-1,4-glycosidic bonds
Different chains interact with each other via hydrogen bonds (both within one strand and between strands) to form microfibrils
Synthesis occurs within the plasmamembrane: first, saccharose synthase produces UDP-glucose, then, cellulose synthase produces cellulose outside of the cell. Complexes of one saccharose synthase and several cellulose synthases lead to the formation of microfibrils.
Callose (specialized metabolite)
Helix made of glucose molecules, connected via β-1,3-glycosidic bonds
Only occurs in special circumstances, for example in dividing (pollen tubes), wounded or infected cells, forming a mechanical barrier.
“Callose is like concrete”.
5. What are the two major groups of hemicelluloses? Give two examples.
Xyloglucans (XyGs)
Cellulose backbone, additional C6-sugars are attached regularly
Present in dicots and about half of the monocots
Example: xyloglucan (D-xylulose is attached every 4 backbone-glucose monomers, additionally L-arabinose and a short chain of D-xylulose, D-galactose and D-fucose.)
Biochemical properties can be adjusted by modifying mesh size etc. by adding more cross-links
Xyloglucans are species-specific
Glucuronoarabinoxylans (GAXs)
Xylulose backbone (β-1,4-glycosidic bond), modified with arabinose and glucuronic acid and sometimes phenolic compounds such as ferulic acid (commelinoid GAXs, increased hydrophobicity)
Less abundant than xyloglucans
Due to the glucuronic acid with its negative charge, mechanical stability is increased (two strands can be “glued” together with a calcium or magnesium atom
(Two examples: Two examples in total. Two examples each: Four examples in total)
6. Describe the basic structure of pectin and two of its functions.
D-Galacturonic acid (α-1,4-glycosidic bond) with sugars attached to it
Potential methylation of the acid residues lead to increased hydrophobicity
Tighter packing of the cell wall (negative charges in combination with calcium or magnesium ions in between lead to the formation of a tight mesh)
Connection between strands can also occur via borate
Borate anchors pectin polymers to the plasma membrane (binding lipid head groups)
Adjustment of cell porosity
Providing charged surfaces (à crosslinking)
Modulation of cell wall pH and ion balance
Regulation of cell-cell adhesion
Major feature: induces ionic bonds, connects callose fibers
7. Name two cell wall proteins and describe their function.
Classes of structural cell wall proteins
Hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins (HRGPs, extensins)
Proline-rich proteins (PRPs)
Glycine-rich proteins (GRPs)
Arabinogalactan-rich proteins (AGPs)
Examples for general cell wall proteins
Expansins: initiate cell wall growth
HRGPs: stabilize the cell wall, responsible for structural integrity (cross-linking)
Basically every protein that is involved in cell wall degradation, production, etc.
Glucanase acting together with the extensins(?), transport proteins (through the polymer), defensive enzymes that degrade intruders’ cell walls (chitinases)
Generally, we do not know much about the function of most cell wall proteins.
8. Describe the major differences in the cell wall architecture of Arabidopsis and rice.
Arabidopsis: Type-I cell wall
Rice: Type-II cell wall
cellulose microfibrils cross-linked via xyloglucans
cellulose microfibrils cross-linked via glucuronoarabinoxylans
pectin matrix
homogalacturan (Ca2+ linked) and rhamnogalacturan
but: generally in smaller amounts
interlocked by extensins after growth
cross-linked by phenolic compounds and “mixed-linkage” glucans (β-1,3- and β-1,4-linked glucose)
Type 1:
Type 2:
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