Why cognitive Neuroscience?
- Opening Black Box
- Falsification of purely cognitive models
- Showing functional independence of cognitive subsystems
- Differentiating
unconscious/conscious processes
cognitive/emotional processes
- Describe temporospatial dynamics of processes to identify mechanisms & strategies
- Making assessments independent of introspection & self-report
- Creating biological understanding of abnormal & normal behavior (pharmacological treatment!)
Opening the black box Ausgangslage + Solution
Baddeleys Working memory model
Rainer et al 1000: delayed matching to sample task
response (selecting match / non match)
cells responsible for response showed activity in preparation —> when reward better higher activity
cells for remembering
Falsification Cognitive Models Emotions/Cognitions
Are emotions or cognitions primary?
Zajonc: emotional reaction first
Lazarus: cognitive Processes first
James/Lange: physiological behavior first
Falsification Cognitive Models Emotions/Cognitions Neurodata
Neurodata by LeDoux
- Fear condition -> learning to predict fear-inducing stimulus
- CS – tone; UCS – Shock; CR – blood pressure increase, freezing, stress
- Result: cooling of auditory neocortex leaves fear conditioning intact
- No conscious cognitive processing needed to learn & experience emotional reactions à „Quick & dirty route“ = James/Lange
- „Slow & differentiated route“ can diminish your fear response or modulate it à Lazarus
Falsification Cognitive Models Emotions/Cognitions Conclusion
- Rudimentary emotional responses possible without cognitive evaluation
- Central trigger station for fear response is amygdala
- Cognition modulates emotions
- Without neurological date: no falsification of cognitive models possible
Falsification Cognitive Models Memory model
Memory model Atkinson & Shiffrin
every step requires previous step
everything that is encoded in long-term-storage has to be processed in short term storage
Falsification Cognitive Models Memory model Neurodata
- Hans Markotwitsch et al 1999: patient with tumor in left angular gyrus
- After tumor removal:
o below-normal short-term memory
o normal long-term memory formation
o normal speech comprehension + production but minor deficit in retaining information long enough in auditory token test
è Patient falsifies model
Showing functional independence of cognitive subsystems
explicit & implicit memory of fear-inducing stimulus
in a double dissociation of
—> amygdala-mediated implicit fear memory
—> hippocampal-dependent explicit fear memory
they could show that
people with Amygdala lesions —> remember conditioning but do not react
people with hippocampal lesions —> implicitly react to cs but do not remember fearful event
Patients Eleanor ELizabeth & Henry Molaison
both amnesia
HM removal of most of hippocampus
STM intact, LTM impaired
STM impaired, LTM intact
shows that two systems operate independently (LTM & STM)
Differentiating unconscious / conscious processes
more positive response in event-related potentials to words that were shown before than in new words
also: more positive response in potential to words that were shown before but not consciously recalled
Intentification of strategies using neuronal correlates
recognition memory task with neural/emotionally negative connotated words
Controls vs. panic disorder patients
behavioral reaction was the same in both groups but on neuronal level there were differences in strategies
Controls difference neutral & negative
Patients no difference neutral& negative
Neuroscience measures need no introspection or self report
game where people punish others
have to pay for punishing
activation in reward related brain structures while they are punishing
might not tell you because punishing is not socially favorable
Problems & Prejudices
costs, complexity, expenses
animal testing
explanatory gap: how physical processes in the brain give rise to subjective experiences &consciousness
reductionism —> humans as structure
correlates no causality
Last changed5 months ago