-> set in Ireland at the turn of the century
-> catholic family
timid child, doesn’t socialize easily:
Stephen is bullied on the playground because of his small size and shy demeaner
when his glasses are broken due to an accident, he’s beaten by a teacher
romanticizes prominant political figures and phantasizes about the nature and landscape of the after-life
school authorities want him to become a priest
Stephen’s family changes home several times during his youth (due to father’s financial irresponsibility)
visits prostitutes in Dublin -> increasingly difficult to reconcile with his potential priestly calling (-> guilt)
climax: Stephen decides to become an artist
finally: Stepehn declares his artistic ambitions
“The language in which we are speaking is his before it is mine.” (= acquired speech)
language is always cited, borrowed, second-hand
use of English language as an Irish writer
Stephen is bullied as a child
-> also “writing from the outside”, Joyce is not in Dublin while writing about it
roughly 1910s and 30s
expression of new sensibilities
focus on the process: ways of “world making”
highly sensitive child
inner conflict: impulse to experience life at its fullest vs. impulse to lead a virtouos life
desolute patriarch
source of stress and instability -> irresponsible
takes care of Stephen
attempts to discipline Stephen (physically & emotionally)
knows Stephen well
receptive to Stephen’s eccentricities than others
Last changed7 months ago