E1 reaction
1. A weak base is required
2. high temperature is required
3. the carbocarion should be stable
4. an resenic mixture is form
5. polar protic sovent should be present
6. leaving group should be ready to leave
7. uni molecules reaction
order = 1
RDS = formation of carbocarion
What are polare protic and polar aprotic solvents ?
polar protic solvent are those where the H is directly bonded with highly electronegative elements and has the ability to resolve anions and actions
polar aprotic solvents are those where H is not bonded with OFCl or N groups and they dissolved anions
What is dehydrohalogenation ?
A reaction where halogen and one H is removed to form an alkene
with the major product being the most stable alkene
What determines the stability of alkene ?
for the stability of alkene
1. check no. of alpha hydrogen
2. check for more substituted carbon
what is a satzeff alkene and Hoffman alkene?
satzeff alkene is the most stable alkene and Hoffman is the least stable alkene
Dehydration reaction
A reaction where there is removal of water for the compound with the help of a strong acid
like H3 PO4 or H2SO4 etc
E2 reaction
the conditions required are
1. strong base
2. hight temperature
3. the stability of transition state is important
4. an anti elemination product is formed with invertion in configuration
5. biomolecules reaction
order =2
RDS = the atting of base and formation of transition state
6. need an aprotic solvents to dissolve the anion
resmimic mixture to
a mixture were in 3D space the atticng reagent atackes from the back and the from side forming dwo different compounds
basically the attacking reagent gets substitute either at the place of the leaving group or to the opposite side of it in the plane
Anti elemination reaction
An reaction where with the leaving group and hydrogen for the other side of of 3D compound learning to the formation of an alkene
E1 cb reaction
This type of reaction takes place when there is a bad leaving group attach to the carbon atom like chlorine nitrogen sulphur etc
over here there is a formation of carboanion and the are anion stability is measured by 1>2>3
Over here they hoffman alkene is the major product in most of the cases
Z and E isomers
When to bulky groups are attached on the same side then it is Z isomerism
When the bulky groups are attached to opposite side then they are called E isomerism
Why is a high temperature elemination reaction need high temperature?
Elemination reaction involves the breaking of Sigma bonda then requiring huge amount of energy
Product formation trick for geometrical isomerism with chiral center
For symmetric
CAR - cis pas anti additin resenic mixture
TAM - trans par anti addition is meso
For unsymmetric carbons
CAT - cis par anti threo
TAE - trans par anti addition erythro
Threo different side same group
Erythro different sides different groups
Syn addition you will take a ross
Like for symmetric
Cis anti will give meso and vise versa
E i mechanism
Decomposition and syn addition in the presence of heat
Hoffman exhaustive methylation reaction
An amine compound is first reacted with iodoalkane and moist Ag20 and later on have an elemination reaction in presence of heat
Elemination with bulky base
Always check for sterric hindrance
What is an electrophiles or a nucleophile ?
Both of them are attacking reagent where
Electrophiles love electron and look for election
Nucleophile are nucleus lover that is they want to lose electron
Metals are bad nucleophile
Basic characteristics of haloalkane and haloarenes
Haloalkeanes they are also known as alkyl halide and the carbon has a sp3 hybridization
Haloarenes there also call aryl halide and the carbon has sp2 hybridization
Alkyl halides
The halogen atom is bonded to an alkyl group
Allylic halide
The halogen Raja was it when SP3 hybridised carbon atom adjacent to the carbon carbon double bond
Benzylic halide
The halogen atom is bonded to in SP3 hybridised carbon atom attached to a aromatic ring
Vinylic halides
The halogen atom is bonded to an SP2 hybridised carbon
What is the difference between geminal dihalides and vicinal dihalide ?
Geminal dihalides or alkylidene halides are wear halogen atoms are present on the same carbon atom
Vicinal dihalide or alkylene dihalides are there halogen atoms are present on adjacent carbon atoms
What is the nature of carbon halogen bond ?
The size of halogen atom increases down the group and the step on the carbon and halogen is weaker as we move down the group
Which are reagents can be used to prepare haloalkanes from alcohols?
For the preparation of haloalkanes from alcohol we can use
HCL and zncl2
Nabr and H2SO4
Red phosphorus with X2
Which mechanism is used for the preparation of haloalkanes from alkanes ?
For the preparation of haloalkanes from alkanes we use free radical substitution reaction.
The visions used here are
Light with X2
Using this mechanism we cannot make Iodo or floro alkanes
Which mechanism is used for the preparation of haloalkanes from alkane ?
The mechanism used for the preparation of haloalkanes from alkenes is known as free radical substitution reaction.
Using the reaction we cannot prepare I do alkanes and fluoroalkanes.
The reagents used here are
Light with X2 where X can be chlorine or bromine
Preparation of haloalkanes on alkenes
Br2 in presence of ccl4 to form a vicinal dihalide
Frankenstein's reaction
Preparation of alkyl iodide with helloalkanes
The reagents used are
NaI in presence of dry acetone
This type of method is also known as halogen exchange reaction
swats reaction
The preparation of alkyl fluoride takes place from haloalkanes
The reagent used here are
How to have a good yield of iodo compounds ?
Reaction of iodine are reversible in nature does they require a strong oxidizing agents like HNO3 or HIO4 to have a good yield.
Last changed8 months ago