Roles of Schema/prior knowledge on memory
if the balloons popped
-> context before group better comprehension and recall of the text
prior knowledge -> semantic structure into which new, related information can be integrated
roles of schema/prior knowdledge on memory - congruency effect
semantically congruent information remembered better than incongruent information
congruent - mPFC
roles of schema/prior knowledge on memory - levels of processing effect
the deeper information is processed, the longer a memory trace will last
cognitive neuroscience model of prior knowledge and memory
congruent information: medial prefrontal cortex establishes connection and inhibits medial temportal cortex
incongruent information: medial temporal lobe
Differential roles mPFC and mTL in schema dependent encoding
Day 1: subjective congruency rating
Day 2: Test item recognition
in case of recognition -> what was the matching location? How sure are you?
—> congruent —> more accurate, intermediate less, incongruent least
—> associative memory also better with increased congruency
—> mPFC more activation in congruent & remembered
—> mtl more activation in incongruent & remembered
Lifespan development of cognition
verbal knowledge and verbal fluency remains at higher levels (crystallized intelligence)
reasoning, mental mapping, memory (fluide)
Lifespan development of knowledge and memory for new information
more accessible and less accessible accumulated knowledge remains at high levels (crystallized intelligence)
memory for new experiences higher when congruent (can draw on crystallized intelligence)
memory for new experiences lower when incongruent
cognitive neuroscience perspective on development
memory encoding and retrieval —> what is the role of prior knowledge on different memory processes
magnitude of vmPFC -> loss with age
age-related shift -> hippocampus-bound processing to increased prefrontal brain bound regions for memory retrieval
dorsolateral pfc -> control and monitoring processes -> deficient children & older adult
Last changed2 months ago