How are samples prepared for cryo-EM and what are major challenges?
sample preparation:
extraction of the protein/complex of interest
vitrification (plunge-freezing)
extraction might alter the structure of the complex
sample has to withstand high vacuum (à therefore, frozen)
sample has to withstand radiation
Why is liquid nitrogen not a suitable agent for punge-freezing?
Leidenfrost effect: When a room-temperature warm object is plunged into the liquid nitrogen, a gaseous layer forms and shields the object from the liquid nitrogen. This slows down the cooling rate which leads to crystallization of the water in the sample.
Instead, liquid ethane is used which does not show the Leidenfrost effect and cools the sample faster.
What are the advantages of plunge-freezing?
main advantage: no crystallization but vitrification
low sample amount necessary (5 µL, 0.1 M)
different conformations present
temperature-dependent studies possible
time-resolved studies possible
How can you prepare a sample to increase contrast? What are advantages and disadvantages of this method?
negative stain sample preparation
carbon film and grid are applied on top of a solution of the sample
the sample molecules are adsorbed to the carbon
the solution is exchanged to a solution with heavy metal atoms
the grid is lifted out of the solution à grid with carbon film and heavy-metal-embedded sample molecules
resulting picture: shows “negative” of your sample (white spots instead of dark spots)
high contrast
radiation tolerance
fast and easy
reduced resolution
flattening through stain
To verify the resolution of a structure, you should be able to estimate which structures you expect to distinguish at which resolutions. Give an overview.
20 Å: domains
10 Å: α-helices
5 Å: β-strands
4 Å: big sidechains
2 Å: most sidechains
Why is there a diffraction limit in light microscopy but not in EM?
diffraction limit in light microscopy is mainly determined by the wavelength of the light
electrons have much lower wavelength, and their diffraction limit is below 1 Å (which is the size of an atom)
the major resolution limitation in electron microscopy are the electron optical lenses
Which part of the molecule do electrons interact with in cryo-EM? Which “modes” of interactions with this part are possible?
the nucleus (NOT the electrons as in x-ray crystallography)
2 “modes”
inelastic scattering (electrons “bounce” off the nucleus and other electrons)
amplitude contrast
creates noise
elastic scattering (electrons are diverted by the nucleus, no loss of energy)
phase contrast
creates signal
How is phase contrast detected in cryo-EM?
problem: we get the noise as amplitude contrast (easy to detect), but we get our signal as phase contrast (difficult to detect)
—> we need to convert phase contrast to amplitude contrast
this is achieved by:
spherical aberration
defocus approach causes phase shift that is described by the Phase Contrast Transfer Function (CTF)
somehow, that leads to higher resolution
CFT can also be fitted and corrected to achieve even higher resolution
What are limitations of cryo-EM?
aberrations of the lenses
coma (no focus point when electron beam does not hit perpendicular to the lense)
astigmatism (elliptical instead of circular beam because of differences in x-/y-direction)
radiation damage of the sample, even though you can avoid some of it by
cooling the sample
low-dose exposure on every single particle
Which detection methods can be used? Name advantages and disadvantages.
photographic film (outdated)
direct detection, excellent signal transfer
needs to be developed and digitalized, no direct feedback on image quality
CCD devices
fast, direct feedback, relatively cheap
no direct detection (electrons need to be converted to photons), noisy
direct electron detectors
very fast and precise
expensive, short life-time
What are two recent instrumental improvements contributing to the revolution of resolution?
development of direct electron detectors
less noise than CCD
much faster than photographic film
possible to compensate for small beam-induced movements within the sample! (Incredibly huge difference to before)
better maximum likelihood image processing routines
better averaging
see below
What are limitations in sample preparation and how can they be overcome?
variations in protein composition
damaged particles (purification and sample preparation)
optimize purification protocols
optimize chemical conditions/buffers (Proteoplex: systematic screening for the best conditions)
optimize solubility
chemical modifications to improve stability (GraFix: macromolecules are centrifuged into a glycerol gradient)
What does a powerspectrum do?
shows amplitude of all waves that contribute to the image depending on their frequency, neglecting the phase
center has low resolution, edges have high resolution
bright: signal, dark: no signal
—> tells you how the distribution of your signal quality
Which resolution filters do you know and what are they used for?
high-pass filter: filters out low-resolution information
low-pass filter: filters out high-resolution information
helpful for initial image alignment
band-pass filter: combination of high- and low-pass filter
Describe the steps of image processing for cryo-EM.
Particle Selection
single particles are selected manually or automatically and cut out
application of filters (removing noise and background) and round mask (facilitating rotation)
orientation of the particle
initially: all particles are averaged to obtain an “average disk” you can use to align your particles to the center
with reference: particles are added/aligned to a class average or 2D projection of a 3D reconstruction
distinction between different specimens (e.g., conformations) and orientations via Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Angle determination
find out how the images of the different classes are located relative to each other (tooth paste example)
Random Conical Tilt (take another image of the sample from a different angle)
Angular Reconstruction (mathematically)
you construct a sinogram (1D projection of the image from different angles and stack them)
compare the sinograms of 2 images to find out the angle from which they are similar
Projection Matching (compare with 2D projections from 3D model)
3D image is reconstructed from the classification and angle determination information
The steps alignment – reconstruction are repeated iteratively to improve image quality and resolution. From the reconstructed 3D image, you re-obtain 2D images and use them in the next round.
How do you estimate the resolution of a reconstructed 3D model?
Fourier Shell Correlation (FSC)
the particles are separated into 2 halves and from each, a 3D image is reconstructed
FFT is performed on both 3D reconstructions, results are compared via FSC
Why is it difficult to obtain structures if your complex has different conformations? How can you approach such a dataset?
difficult because you have to distinguish between different orientations AND different conformations
approach: 3D MSA classification
unbiased approach!
you randomly overlap two particles from your dataset
randomly sample into 3D images
most do not make sense, but some do
you can use these for refinement
approach: 3D maximum likelihood classification
you need a first model with very low resolution (80 Å)
you create copies of the model and add random noise to each
you use these for classification – because the models differ in noise, similar particles will be assigned to the same object
computationally very challenging
What is a common problem in cryo-EM when you use a model? How can you validate your structure?
problem: if you have a reference, you can find it everywhere (“Einstein from noise”)
avoid this by splitting your dataset in two
problem: overfitting
if you overfit, you seem to get higher resolution, but you actually do not have the information in your dataset
Last changed6 months ago