What is the meaning of the “Self-Efficacy Theory”?
learners think they are good in smth because others say so, they are more likely to be motivated.
What is the meaning of the “Attribution Theory”?
how learners explain past success/failure
What does the “Theory of Interest” state?
a topic can seem more or less interesting to a learner
What does the “Self-Determination Theory” state?
learner puts more effort than actually needed
Is the following situation intrinsic or extrinsic motivated?
Sarah puts more effort into the next exam because her parents promised her to buy a new phone if she brings home a good grade
Pete is exited to get his grade, he worked very hard for it.
What is the flow theory?
learner is completely into topic, he/she forgets time and doesn´t hear the teacher
How do you follow the “Motivational Teaching Practise”?
Creating basic motivational conditions
Generating initial motivation
Maintaining and protecting motivation
Encouraging positive retrospective self-evaluation
Last changed5 months ago