
Statistik 3

by 12DayFIsh

Why should we formalize theories as statistical computational models?

  • Models clarify the understanding of complex phenomena

    • Theories can be vague an imprecise

    • Models translate those conceptual frameworks into mathematical or computational form, forcing

      • precision

      • clarity

    • Benefit

      • clarifies assumptions

      • allows objective scrutiny

      • Helps identify which parts of a theory are supported by data

  • Models facilitate iterative theory development

    • Models serve as a tool to

      • test theories

      • explore theories

      • Refine theories

    • When model predictions diverge from empirical results, it drives the refinement/rejection of theoretical assumptions

    • Benefit: promotes continuous improvement and understanding of the world

  • Models make testable predictions

    • Theories are generalized statements about relationships

    • Models allow us to make quantitative predictions

      • This offers testable and falsifiable predictions

      • Models quantify how much one variable affects another

    • Benefits: offer a framework to test hypotheses and validated theoretical claims with empirical data

  • Models allow generalization and prediction of future outcomes

    • Models use historical data to predict future observations

    • Benefit: useful for forecasting inboth research and applied settings

  • Models inform intervention and policy decisions

    • Theorie suggest how variables should be related

    • Models can simulate the effects of interventions and predict how those changes will affect outcomes

    • Benefit: help policymakers, clinicians or researchers evaluate the impact of interventions before implementing them -> better informed decisions




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